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Q: What were the outcomes of Apollo Soyuz?
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What is Apollo and Soyuz?

Apollo is the name of the American spacecraft and Soyuz is the name of the Russian spacecraft.

What vehicles did they use in the Apollo soyuz mission?

It was an aptly named program, as they used both Apollo and Soyuz vehicles. Apollo on the American side, and Soyuz on the Soviet side.

Which of the following activities did the astronauts of the Apollo-Soyuz not do?

The astronauts of the Apollo-Soyuz mission did not land on the moon.

What year did the Apollo and Soyuz rockets dock in space as a peace gesture?

The Apollo-Soyuz mission flew in July, 1975.

What mission proved that the United states and Russia were ready to conduct mutual experiments?

Apollo-Soyuz A+

What is the name of the Russian spacecraft that linked with the Apollo?


What activities did the astronauts of the apollo-soyuz not do?

The astronauts of Apollo-Soyuz did not walk on the Moon, as the mission was a joint US-Soviet spaceflight that involved docking two spacecraft in Earth orbit in 1975. They also did not conduct spacewalks outside their respective spacecraft, as the mission focused on demonstrating international cooperation in space.

What Russian space vehicle did Apollo 18 spacecraft dock with?

The Apollo 18 spacecraft docked with the Russian Soyuz 19 spacecraft in orbit during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975. This was the first international human spaceflight mission conducted by NASA and the Soviet space agency.

What date did Apollo soyuz get launched?

15th July 1975

What are the names of the rockets?

Apollo, Ariane, Soyuz, Space Shuttle.

Did the Apollo program end in 1972?

Yes, the Apollo program ended in 1972 with the Apollo 17 mission.

What was the name of the 1975 joint mission?

The name of the 1975 joint mission was the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP). It involved the docking of an American Apollo spacecraft with a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft in space, symbolizing a new era of cooperation between the two countries during the Cold War.