The Vikram Samvat year for 2011 was 2067.
The date on Vikram Samvat 1996 Falguna Krishna Paksha Amavasya was February 15, 1940.
convert 2nd september, 1973 in Vikram Samvata
To convert Gregorian to Vikram Samvat add 56.7 years and remove the same to work the other way
Vikram Samvat 2029 started on 30th March 1973 and ended on 18th March 1974 in the Gregorian calendar.
what was the english calender date of vikram samvat 2023 month asarh vad tithi 1 day
To determine the English calendar date of Vikram Samvat 1985, month Vaishakh, Vad Tithi 7, we need to convert the Vikram Samvat year to the Gregorian calendar. Vikram Samvat 1985 corresponds to the year 1928-1929 AD in the Gregorian calendar. Vaishakh is the second month of the Hindu calendar, typically falling in April-May in the Gregorian calendar. Vad Tithi 7 corresponds to the seventh day of the dark fortnight in the Hindu lunar calendar. Therefore, the English calendar date of Vikram Samvat 1985, month Vaishakh, Vad Tithi 7 is around late April or early May in 1929 AD.
sukla saptami katik mas vikram samvat 2028
samvat 2009 tithi and month of 1 st June 1953 pl find and answer
What was the English calendar date of vikram samvat 1979 month adhik jeth sud tithi 5 day born
what is the English clander date of vikram samvat 2042 month poush Krishna paksh 2 Type your answer here...
Vikram samvat
The English calendar date of Vikram Samvat 2023, Jeshth Vad Tithi 9, born on Saturday, Dand 56 Pal 43 cannot be determined without additional information. Vikram Samvat is a Hindu calendar system used in India, and the English calendar date depends on the specific year and month.
The Vikram Samvat year for 2011 was 2067.
vishrvavasu samvat