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The Command Module was called Columbia ( the lunar module was named Eagle.)

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The command module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft in 1969 was named "Columbia."

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Q: What was the name of the command module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft of 1969?
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What did the Apollo 11 look like?

Apollo 11 was the spacecraft that carried astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins to the moon in 1969. It consisted of the Command Module, Service Module, and Lunar Module. The Command Module was cone-shaped and housed the astronauts during their journey.

Where is the Apollo 11 space shuttle?

The Apollo 11 spacecraft is not a shuttle, but a command module that carried astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the moon and back in 1969. The command module is on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

What is an Apollo spacecraft?

The Apollo spacecraft was a series of American space vehicles designed for the Apollo program, which aimed to land humans on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. It consisted of three main components: the Command Module where the crew resided, the Service Module which provided propulsion and life support, and the Lunar Module used for Moon landings. The Apollo spacecraft successfully landed humans on the Moon six times between 1969 and 1972.

What aircraft did Neil Armstrong go to the moon in?

It was a 'spacecraft' and not an 'aircraft'! He travelled with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins in Apollo 11. ===================================== The three of them lived in the Apollo 11 "Command Module" for the long ride in both directions between the earth and the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin descended to the moon's surface in the 'LEM' or Lunar Excursion Module, while Collins continued to orbit the moon alone in the Command Module. It all happened in July of 1969.

How did the Apollo 11 spacecraft for the launch?

The Apollo 11 spacecraft consisted of the command module called Columbia, the service module, and the lunar module named Eagle. The spacecraft was launched using a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center on July 16, 1969. The crew onboard included Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.

Related questions

Why command module of Apollo 11 could not land on the moon?

The command module of Apollo 11 was not designed to land on the moon. Its primary purpose was to remain in lunar orbit while the lunar module carried the astronauts to the surface and back. The command module was responsible for the astronauts' return journey to Earth.

Is Apollo 11 a spacecraft?

Yes it is.Here is information about itThe Apollo 11 (spacecraft) mission landed the first humans on the Moon. Launched on July 16, 1969, the third lunar mission of NASA's Apollo Program was crewed by Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Jr. On July 20, Armstrong and Aldrin became the first humans to land on the Moon, while Collins orbited in the Command Module.

What aircraft did Neil Armstrong go to the moon in?

It was a 'spacecraft' and not an 'aircraft'! He travelled with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins in Apollo 11. ===================================== The three of them lived in the Apollo 11 "Command Module" for the long ride in both directions between the earth and the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin descended to the moon's surface in the 'LEM' or Lunar Excursion Module, while Collins continued to orbit the moon alone in the Command Module. It all happened in July of 1969.

What are the crew names and dates of all moon landings?

The crew names and dates of all moon landings are: Apollo 11 - July 20, 1969 - Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins Apollo 12 - November 14, 1969 - Charles Conrad, Alan Bean, Richard Gordon Apollo 14 - February 5, 1971 - Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, Stuart Roosa Apollo 15 - July 30, 1971 - David Scott, James Irwin, Alfred Worden Apollo 16 - April 21, 1972 - John Young, Charles Duke, Thomas Mattingly Apollo 17 - December 7, 1972 - Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt, Ronald Evans

What were the dates of all moon landings?

Manned:Six manned spacecraft have successfully landed on the moon. All six spacecraft were part of the Apollo space programme.The first moon landing (Apollo 11) was on July 20 1969. Apollo 11's crew was Neil Armstrong (Commander), Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (Lunar Module pilot), and Michael Collins (Command Module pilot).The second moon landing (Apollo 12) was on November 19 1969. Apollo 12's crew was Charles Conrad, Jr. (Commander), Richard Gordon, Jr. (Command Module pilot), and Alan LaVerne Bean (Lunar Module pilot).The third moon landing (Apollo 14) was on 5 February 1971. Alan Shepard, America's first man into space, commanded Apollo 14. His crew consisted of Stuart Roosa (Command Module pilot) and Edgar Mitchell (Lunar Module Pilot).The fourth moon landing (Apollo 15) was on July 30 1971, and the astronauts explored the surface riding in the first lunar rover. Apollo 15's crew was David Scott (Commander), James Irwin (Lunar Module pilot), and Alfred Worden (Command Module Pilot).The fifth moon landing (Apollo 16) was on April 20, 1972. Apollo 16's crew was John Young (Commander), Charles Duke, Jr. (Lunar Module pilot), and Thomas Mattingly (Command Module pilot).The sixth and final moon landing (Apollo 17) was on 11 December, 1972. Apollo 17's crew was Eugene Cernan (Commander), Ronald Evans (Command Module Pilot), and Dr Harrison Schmitt (Lunar Module Pilot)Unmanned:The first spacecraft to impact the moon's surface was the U.S.S.R.'s Luna 2. The spacecraft impacted the moon on September 14, 1959 and was destroyed on impact.The first US spacecraft to reach the moon's surface was the Ranger 4. This spacecraft impacted the moon's surface (and like Luna 2 was destroyed in the process) on April 26, 1962.The first spacecraft to achieve a lunar soft landing and to transmit photographic data to Earth was the Soviet spacecraft Luna 9. This spacecraft landed on the moon in the Ocean of Storms on February 3, 1966.The second spacecraft to achieve lunar soft landing was the American spacecraft Surveyor 1. This spacecraft landed on the moon on June 2, 1966.The first unmanned spacecraft to land on the moon and return to earth was the Soviet spacecraft Luna 16. This spacecraft landed on the moon on September 20, 1970.The first spacecraft to land on the moon and deploy a lunar roving vehicle was the Soviet spacecraft Lunar 17. Lunar 17 landed on the moon in November 1970 (~November 15) and deployed the lunar vehicle Lunokhod 1. Lunokhod 1 remained operational for 11 lunar days and travelled approximately 10.5 km on the moon's surface.The first spacecraft to land on the moon and be retrieved by a subsequent mission was the American spacecraft Surveyor 3. Surveyor 3 landed on the moon on April 20, 1967, and parts of it were retrieved by Apollo 12 in November 1969.

In 1969 what safely transported the first humans to the moon?

The Apollo Command and Service Modules (CSM) as well as the Apollo Lunar Module (LM)

What spacecraft launched in 1969?

N.A.S.A launched Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 in 1969.

What is the spacecraft that american enginers made for taking astronauts to the moon?

The Apollo Command Module spacecraft was designed and built by North American aviation to transport 24 American astronauts to the moon between 1968 and 1972. Mated to a Lunar Module built by the Grumman company it enabled 12 humans to walk on the moon between 1969 and 1972.

When did Apollo 11 reach the moon?

Apollo 11 reached the moon on July 20, 1969. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the lunar surface, while Michael Collins orbited above in the command module.

When was the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched?

July 16, 1969

When was the first men walking on the moon?

It was on 1969. on Apollo 11 spacecraft.

Which spacecraft was successfully launched on 16 July 1969?

Apollo 11 was successfully launched on 16 July 1969. It was the mission that landed the first humans on the Moon, with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins on board.