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The name of John Glenn's space shuttle when he first orbited the Earth in 1962 was Friendship 7.

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Q: What was the name of John Glenn's space shuttle when he first orbited the earth?
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First space shuttle orbited earth?

i am not to shore bout the date but i know the year 1981

When did the first space shuttle leave earth?

The first space shuttle, Columbia, left Earth on April 12, 1981. It was part of the STS-1 mission and marked the inaugural flight of NASA's Space Shuttle program.

Which animal first orbited the moon?

No animal has orbited the moon other than man. Dogs and monkeys have orbited the earth.

What did john Glenn orbit the earth in?

In the Friendship 7 spacecraft, John Glenn made an orbit around the planet. John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962, thanks to the Mercury-Atlas 6 (MA-6) mission.

What was the first space shuttle to be flown in space?

the first shuttle to go into space a space shuttle Columbia on April 12, 1981. its crewmen were John Young (comander) and Robert Crippen (piolt). it lifted off a 12 noon at launch pad 39A and landed at Edward Air Force base in Califonia on April 14, two days after the launch. it orbited around the earth 37 times befor returning to Earth.

How old was John Glenn when he orbited the moon?

John Glenn never orbited the moon. He was the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962. The first manned mission to orbit the moon was Apollo 8 in 1968.

What date did Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth for the first time?

Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth for the first time on April 12, 1961.

How old was john glenn when he orbited the earth in 1962?

John Glenn was 40 years old when he orbited the Earth in 1962 as part of the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission, making him the first American to do so.

What was the first living creature that orbited the earth?

I believe rats were used first, then a solitary monkey.

How long has it been since john glenn orbited the earth?

John Glenn orbited the earth three times oFebruary 20, 1962 becoming the third American in space and the first American to orbit the Earth.

What was the first space shuttle to reach Earth's Orbit?

The first space shuttle to reach Earth's orbit was the Space Shuttle Columbia, which completed its maiden flight on April 12, 1981.

Who was the first American person to orbit earth?

John Glenn first orbited the Earth in 1962 upon the spaceship Friendship 7.