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Yesterday (August 31, 2009), the Space Shuttle Discovery docked with the International Space Station, assembling a total of 13 people living and working in space simultaneously.

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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The most recent space travel was the Inspiration4 mission launched by SpaceX on September 15, 2021. This historic all-civilian mission orbited Earth for three days, reaching an altitude higher than that of the International Space Station.

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What is the most recent space travel?

The most recent space travel mission was the Inspiration4 mission by SpaceX, which launched in September 2021. This mission sent the first all-civilian crew into orbit around the Earth for three days.

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The most recent space disaster involving the US was the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, where the shuttle disintegrated upon re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members.

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Space travel is statistically the most dangerous form of travel. Overall odds of fatality are approximately 1:120.

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Saturn's moon Titan is the most recent object found in space to be similar to Earth.

Which colony was settled last?

I suppose the international space station is mankind's most recent colony.

Who does space travel benefit?

space travel denefits me =)

Where might a person go to find information on space travel?

There are many Space Tourism sites that can help a person with space travel. In reality though most are usually conferences. Usually only those who are qualified Astronauts go to space.

When was the latest space rocket launched?

The most recent space rocket launch was on [date], when [rocket name] successfully took off from [launch site].

How do they travel to space?

Space travel is done by means of rockets.

Do we have the technology to travel to space?

Yes, we do have technology to travel to space.