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During its final mission, the space shuttle Columbia was on a scientific research mission. One topic of study was microgravity.

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The primary mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia was to carry crew and cargo to space, support scientific research in microgravity, service satellites, and construct and maintain the International Space Station. It played a crucial role in advancing human spaceflight capabilities during its missions.

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The first NASA space shuttle mission, STS-1, took place in 1981. The mission was flown by the space shuttle Columbia and marked the first orbital flight of the Space Shuttle program.

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The first space shuttle to go into space was the Space Shuttle Columbia. It completed its first orbital flight on April 12, 1981, as part of the STS-1 mission.

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Space Shuttle Columbia flew a total of 28 missions, starting with its first mission in 1981 and ending with its final mission in 2003 when it tragically disintegrated upon re-entry.

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The first space shuttle sent into outer space was the Space Shuttle Columbia. It was launched on April 12, 1981, as part of the STS-1 mission.

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In 1981, NASA launched the first Space Shuttle mission, known as STS-1, which marked the beginning of the Space Shuttle program. This mission was carried out by the Space Shuttle Columbia, and it was significant as it introduced a new era of reusable spacecraft for space exploration.

When did the space shuttle first launch into space?

The first space shuttle to launch into space was Columbia on April 12, 1981. It was the inaugural mission of NASA's Space Shuttle program and marked the beginning of a new era in space exploration.

When was 1st STS mission with space shuttle Columbia?

April 12,1981

How many missions was Columbia sent on?

Columbia was on its 28th mission when it disintegrated during re-entry in 2003. Its first mission was the first by a space shuttle into space.

When did space shuttle Colombia take flight?

Columbia's first mission, which was also the first flight of any space shuttle, began on April 12th, 1981. The space shuttle Columbia's last mission was launched on January 16, 2003 at 15:39:00 UTC.

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In April 1981, NASA conducted the first flight of the Space Shuttle program with the launch of Space Shuttle Columbia on STS-1 mission. This marked the beginning of the Space Shuttle era for NASA's human spaceflight missions.