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That's one step for man, and one giant leap for mankind.

-Neil Armstrong

Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, said "Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation".

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Q: What was the first thing Buzz Aldrin said when he stepped foot on the moon?
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Related questions

Who is the first person who stepped into the moon?

Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin was right after him.

Who is the second person who stepped on the moon?

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

What time did Buzz Aldrin step on the moon?

Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon at 3:15 AM UTC on July 21, 1969, during the Apollo 11 mission.

Who stepped second on moon?

Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, Lunar Module Pilot on Apollo 11

What did Buzz Aldrin say on the moon?

Buzz Aldrin said "Magnificent desolation" when he first stepped onto the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. These words captured the stark beauty and isolation of the lunar landscape.

When did Buzz Aldrin divorce his first wife?

Buzz Aldrin divorced his first wife, Joan Archer, in 1974.

How many minutes after astronaut Neil Armstrong did Buzz Aldrin step out of the two-man lander Eagle?

Buzz Aldrin stepped out of the two-man lander Eagle approximately 19 minutes after astronaut Neil Armstrong took his historic first step on the Moon on July 20, 1969.

Who was the second astronaut to step on the moon?

Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. (Buzz Aldrin) was the second man to step on the moon.It was Edwin Aldrin.neil ArmstrongAldin neil amstong's partner Aldin neil amstong's partnerBuzz Aldrin .Edwin Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon.Edwin Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon.

Who stepped on the moon after neil Armstrong?

Buzz Aldrin was the second person to walk on the moon after Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 mission.

What is the Nickname of second man on the moon?

At exactly the same time as the first guy. The first landing was July 20, 1969 at 20:17:39 UTC. Neil Armstrong was the first to actually step on the moon, but he was followed a very short time later by the other crewmember of the Eagle, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr.

Who were the men onon the first mission to the moon?

The men on the first mission to the moon were Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first and second men to walk on the moon, while Michael Collins remained in orbit around the moon piloting the command module.

Who was the Second person to walk on moon?

Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin