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Q: What was the first man made satelite put into orbit?
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John Glenn is famous for being the first American to orbit the Earth as part of the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission in 1962. He was a military pilot, astronaut, and senator, and his pioneering spaceflight solidified his place in history as a space exploration pioneer.

What is man made satelite?

I thinks its a satelite made my humans

Does a satleite circle the Earth or does Earth circle a satleite?

A satelite circles earth. A satelite includes the moon, or man made satelites

Why was NASA created?

NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was created in 1958 by the United States government in response to the Soviet Union's successful launch of the satellite Sputnik. Its purpose is to conduct space research, exploration, and travel, as well as to promote technology development and advancement.

What was sputnik I?

The first man made object put into Earth orbit.

What is a naturual setelite?

a natural satelite is something that is not made by man and orbits a planet. It is caught in the planets forces. For example, one of the Earths natural satelite is the moon.

What is spuntik 1 famous for?

It was the first man made Satellite to Orbit the Earth

What was the first spaceship ever made?

The first man made object to orbit the earth was Sputnik 1. Launched by the Russins in 1957

When was the first rocket put into orbit?

The first man-made object to successfully accomplish insertion into earth orbit was Sputnik-1,launched by the USSR in October, 1957.

Which country was the first to orbit the Earth?

The Soviet Union was the first country to orbit the Earth, with the launch of the satellite Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957.

What was the first man made space satellite called?

Sputnik 1, the first man made object to orbit the earth. And we've been polluting like crazy up there ever since.

What nationaility was the first man to orbit the earth in the spacecraft?

Yuri Gagarin, the first man to orbit the Earth in a spacecraft, was from the Soviet Union (modern-day Russia). He completed his historic orbit on April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok 1 spacecraft.