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The flag, the science gear, their trash, their footprints, the base of the LM (the gold colored part) and, IIRC, a monument to fallen astronauts, and a piece of the Wright Flyer.

The Apollo 11 flag fell over on liftoff (it was just barely sticking in the ground, later flags were made so the astronauts could drive them in better). After 40 years of lunar conditions, it is safe to say the flags are undoubtedly so much powder. They were modified off-the-shelf Sears flags made of nylon, with a "curtain rod" attached to the top so the flag could be deployed as if it were flying.

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The astronauts left behind scientific instruments, equipment used during their missions (such as lunar rovers, flags, and cameras), and personal items like patches, medallions, and family photos. They also left bootprints, rover tracks, and footprints that remain preserved in the lunar dust due to the lack of atmosphere or weather.

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Q: What was left behind on the moon by the astronauts?
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