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Probably very scary as they were are the forefront of technology which wasn't very reliable.


The astronauts described it as "breathtaking" and exhilarating, given that they were where no one except their fellow astronauts had ever been. Most found the work schedule arduous and physically exhausting. James Irwin, who became the "first automobile passenger on the Moon" aboard the first Lunar Rover, also suffered the first "heart attack" on the Moon, which was obviously a major concern for the entire mission crew. He recovered but later had a heart problem back on Earth.


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The experience was described as surreal and awe-inspiring by the Apollo astronauts who landed and walked on the moon. They felt the stark contrast between the desolate lunar landscape and the beauty of Earth from space, and were struck by the stillness and silence of the moon's surface. The achievement was a culmination of intense training, teamwork, and dedication to push the boundaries of human exploration.

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Q: What was it like for the Apollo astronauts that landed and walked on the moon?
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The Apollo 8 astronauts described the moon as very inhospitable. The moon has no way to support humans, Everything man needs to live must be carried with him when he goes into space, that includes the moon. The astronauts who walked on the moon could feel the cold in the lunar shadows. They also felt the heat of the sun through theid suits.

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What is the differences between astronauts and explorers?

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