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Do you mean why was he trying to go to Antarctica? Well, he went to Antarctica because he was racing Roald Amundsen. When Robert Falcon Scott arrived at Antarctica he sooner realized that Rolad Amundsen left Antarctica 34 days before.

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Q: What was Robert Falcon Scott trying to do in his South Pole expeditions?
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Where did Robert Scott grow up?

Robert Falcon Scott grew up in Plymouth, England. He was born there in 1868 and went on to become a well-known explorer who led expeditions to Antarctica.

What was the reason for Robert Falcon Scott to go to Antarctica?

Both of Scott's expeditions aimed to include the first human footsteps on the South Pole

What was the ship's that Captain Robert Falcon Scott used?

The two ships that Scott used on his expeditions were HMS Discovery and HMS Terra Nova.

Was Robert Falcon Scott's Religious?

Robert Falcon Scott was raised in the Church of England but was not particularly religious. He was known to attend church services during his expeditions in Antarctica, but his focus was primarily on his scientific and exploratory endeavors.

Who did Robert falcon Scott inspired?

Robert Falcon Scott inspired future explorers and adventurers with his ambitious and daring polar expeditions. His determination and courage in the face of adversity have served as an inspiration for individuals seeking to push the limits of exploration and discovery.

Where was Robert Falcon Scott born?

Robert Falcon Scott was born in Plymouth, England.

When did Robert Falcon Scott explore the Antarctic?

Scott explored Antarctica during the early years of the 20th century -- 1901 to 1912, on two separate expeditions.

What are the skills of Robert Falcon Scott?

Robert Falcon Scott was an experienced polar explorer known for his leadership, navigation, and survival skills in harsh conditions. He was adept at planning and executing expeditions to remote and challenging environments, demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Additionally, Scott was a skilled communicator, strategist, and motivator, enabling him to lead his team effectively during their expeditions.

What was Robert Falcon Scott nationality?

Robert Falcon Scott was British.

How tall is Robert Falcon Scott?

Robert Falcon Scott is 5' 11".

How many expeditions did explorer Robert Falcon Scott go on?

He lead two Antarctic Expeditions, Discovery and Terra Nova and he also Served in the British Navy for 30 years.