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It is currently a yellow supergiant.

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7mo ago

Rastaban is a binary star system in the constellation of Draco. The primary star is a yellow-white subgiant, while the secondary star is most likely a red dwarf.

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Q: What type of star is rastaban?
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How many light years are in rastaban?

Rastaban is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Draco. It's estimated to be situated at a distance of about 380 light years from Earth.

How hot is Rastaban?

Rastaban, also known as Beta Draconis, is an orange giant star with a surface temperature of approximately 4,900 Kelvin. This makes it cooler than our sun, which has a surface temperature of about 5,500 Kelvin.

What is the surface temperature of the star Rastaban?

Wikipedia lists it as 5160 plus or minus 150 K.

What stage is the star rastaban in?

Rastaban is currently in the post-main sequence stage of its life cycle, where it has exhausted its core hydrogen fuel and is now expanding as a red giant. It is in the later stages of its evolution before eventually collapsing into a white dwarf.

What are the main stars that make up Draco?

Eltanin (sometimes called Etamin), Rastaban and Thuban

What are the stars of Draco?

Some of the main stars in the constellation Draco include Thuban (Alpha Draconis), Eltanin (Gamma Draconis), and Rastaban (Beta Draconis). Thuban was the pole star around 2700 BC and Eltanin is the brightest star in Draco.

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Red giant is a type of star.

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