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Q: What type of clouds are wispy and occur very high altitude?
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What Latin word related to clouds means wispy?

Cirrus. Cirrus clouds are wispy or curly. Cirrus means "wispy."

Are stratus clouds wispy and high in the sky?

No, they are flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying in color from dark gray to nearly white.

What are the different clouds in the sky?

Some common types of clouds include cumulus (fluffy and white), cirrus (thin and wispy), stratus (layered and smooth), and nimbus (dark and rain-bearing). Each type of cloud can indicate different weather patterns or changes.

What is the altitude of various cloud types?

Cirrus clouds are found at high altitudes, typically above 20,000 feet. Cumulus clouds are often found at lower to middle altitudes, usually between 6,500 to 20,000 feet. Stratus clouds form at low altitudes, below 6,500 feet. Nimbostratus clouds can extend through a wide range of altitudes, from low to high, depending on the vertical development of the cloud system.

What word describes high thin wispy clouds?

The most usual form of high-level clouds are thin and often wispy CIRRUS clouds. Cirrus clouds are usually found at heights greater than 20,000 feet. Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of supercooled water droplets.

Do cirrus clouds most produce thunder and hail storms?

No. Cirrus clouds a wispy, high-altitude clouds. They are not strm clouds. All hail and nearly all thunder are associated with cumulonimbus clouds.

What type of cloud is found at high altitudes and form when the wind is strong?

Cirrus clouds are high-altitude clouds that form when strong winds blow the clouds into long, wispy streaks. These clouds are often feathery in appearance and indicate that turbulent weather may be approaching due to the high wind speeds at that altitude.

Which cloud type does not produce participation?

Cirrus clouds do not typically produce precipitation. They are high-altitude clouds composed of ice crystals and are often thin and wispy in appearance.

What is Very high wispy clouds are called?

Very high wispy clouds are called cirrus clouds. They form at high altitudes and are composed of ice crystals. Cirrus clouds are often indicators of fair weather but can also signal approaching storms.

What is high and wispy with no sense of humor?

Serious clouds are high and wispy and lacking in a sense of humor.

Do grey clouds mean the clouds are cirrus clouds?

No, grey clouds generally indicate thick clouds with a lot of moisture, which can often be stratocumulus, altostratus, or nimbostratus clouds. Cirrus clouds are high-altitude clouds that are thin and wispy in appearance, and they are not typically grey in color.

What are the three main types of clouds?

The three main types of clouds are cirrus (high-altitude, wispy clouds), cumulus (puffy, cotton-like clouds), and stratus (layered, blanket-like clouds).