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It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days, or about 1.88 Earth years, to complete one revolution around the sun.

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Q: What time does it takes mars to complete one revolution around the sun?
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What is the length of mars revolution?

It travels about 1,432,183,600 km to complete one revolution.

How long does it take Mars to?

Mars takes approximately 687 Earth days, about 1.88 Earth years, to complete one orbit around the Sun.

What is the revolution of mars in earth years?

Mars takes approximately 1.88 Earth years, or about 687 Earth days, to complete one orbit around the Sun. This is known as its revolution period.

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Mars takes approximately 687 Earth days, or about 1.88 Earth years, to complete one orbit around the Sun.

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How many days does it take Mars to rotate and revolve?

Mars takes about 24.6 hours to complete one rotation on its axis. It takes about 687 Earth days for Mars to complete one orbit around the Sun, known as its revolution.

Whats Mars revolution?

Mars's revolution refers to the time it takes for the planet to complete one orbit around the sun. Mars has a revolution period of about 687 Earth days, which is approximately two Earth years.

How many earth days does the revolution of mars take?

The revolution of Mars takes about 687 Earth days to complete. This is the time it takes for Mars to orbit around the Sun once.

What planet has twice the earth's period are re volution?

The planet that has a revolution period twice that of Earth is Mars. It takes Mars approximately 687 Earth days (or about 1.88 Earth years) to complete one orbit around the Sun.

How long does it take mars to rotate and revolve?

Mars takes about 24.6 hours to complete one rotation on its axis, which is very close to Earth's rotation period. In terms of revolution around the sun, Mars takes about 687 Earth days, or about 1.88 Earth years, to complete one orbit.

What is the time taken to complete 1 revolution by mars?

The length of a single revolution around the Sun for Mars is about 686.98 Earth days.

What is the time taken by MARS to complete an orbit around the sun?

Mars takes about 687 Earth days, or 1.88 Earth years, to complete one orbit around the sun.