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Q: What term would you use to describe the shape of the milky way?
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What term is used to describe the shape of Europe?

The term commonly used to describe the shape of Europe is "peninsula," as it is a large landmass surrounded by water on three sides.

What term is used to describe the shape of an aircraft?

The term used to describe the shape of an aircraft is its "aerodynamic profile" or "airfoil". This refers to the cross-sectional shape of the wings and other aerodynamic surfaces that enable the aircraft to generate lift and control its flight.

What is the term that is used to describe the shape of a muscle?

The term used to describe the shape of a muscle is "muscle morphology." This refers to the overall structure and form of the muscle, which can vary depending on its function and location in the body.

What term describe a shape of a DNA molecule?

A Double Helix.

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The term to describe an object in the shape of a boat is "boat-shaped" or "boat-like".

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The term used in geometry to describe figures with the same shape is?


What science term means to shape or bend?

The term "morph" means to shape or bend in science. It is often used to describe the changing or forming of an organism's structure or shape.

What term is used to describe a collection of characters of a particular size and shape?

The single word term is 'font'

What term is used to describe 'a collection of characters of a particular size and shape?

The single word term is 'font'

What is a term that is used to describe a material that can be pounded into shape?

That is a malleable material.