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Riley Wolf

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12y ago

Such formations are called hailstones. The phenomenon itself is called hail.

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Q: What term describes layered round formations of ice which form in cumulonimbus clouds?
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What is Layered lumps or balls of ice that fall from cumulonimbus clouds?

That would be hail. Hail forms when updrafts in a cumulonimbus cloud carry raindrops into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere, causing them to freeze into layered lumps or balls of ice.

What kind of cloud formations will you see during lightning?

Cumulonimbus. big billowing clouds that look like mushrooms.

What are all the different cloud formations?

Some common cloud formations include cirrus (thin and wispy), cumulus (puffy and white), stratus (layered and covering the sky), nimbostratus (thick and gray, usually bringing rain), and cumulonimbus (towering and indicates thunderstorms). Each formation can give clues about current and upcoming weather conditions.

Are stratus or cumulonimbus storm clouds?

Cumulonimbus clouds are storm clouds.

What sentence can you use for cumulonimbus?

the clouds are cumulonimbus clouds

What weather is made by cumulonimbus clouds?

Cumulonimbus are the clouds of thunderstorms.

What do cumulonimbus clouds brings?

Cumulonimbus clouds bring thunderstorms.

What the name of clouds?

Clouds are formations of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere. They are named based on their appearance and altitude, with common types including cirrus, cumulus, and stratus clouds.

Large thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation are called?

cumulonimbus clouds

If you saw thin wispy clouds followed by lower layered cloud what type of weather might you expect in the near future?

Thin wispy clouds followed by lower layered clouds could indicate approaching precipitation, possibly rain. These cloud formations might suggest increasing humidity and atmospheric instability, potentially leading to wet weather conditions.

Cumulonimbus clouds are also called what?

Cumulonimbus clouds are also called thunderheads.

Do cumulus clouds form into cumulonimbus clouds?

Yes, cumulus clouds can develop into cumulonimbus clouds through a process called cloud growth. Cumulonimbus clouds are larger and taller versions of cumulus clouds that can bring thunderstorms and severe weather.