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Q: What technology that was new to Europe helped sailors navigate because it always pointed north?
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How did observations of the sky help sailors in the past?

Sailors used celestial navigation techniques to navigate at sea by observing the positions of stars, the sun, and the moon. By studying these celestial bodies, sailors could determine their location, heading, and time of day, allowing them to navigate long distances and accurately reach their destinations.

What helps sailors in the fog?

Sailors in the fog use radar to detect objects and other vessels nearby. They also rely on sound signals such as foghorns to communicate their position and avoid collisions. Additionally, having a good understanding of navigational charts and using GPS technology can help sailors navigate safely through foggy conditions.

In ancient times why did sailors need to know about stars?

Sailors needed to know about stars for navigation purposes. By observing the positions of stars in the night sky, sailors could determine their location and direction at sea, helping them to navigate safely to their destinations.

What was the name of the stone used by early sailors as a primitive compass?

The stone used by early sailors as a primitive compass was called a lodestone. Lodestones are naturally magnetized rocks that were used to help sailors navigate by aligning with the Earth's magnetic field.

What prevented sailors from getting lost without modern technology?

Sailors used celestial navigation techniques, such as using the positions of stars, sun, and moon, to determine their location at sea. They also relied on landmarks, compasses, and maps to navigate their way. Additionally, they would track the movement of ocean currents and bird migrations to help guide them on their journey.

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How do sailors navigate?

With Compasses and maps

How did observation of the sky help sailors in the past?

Sailors focused on the stars to navigate through unknown territory

How did observations of the sky help sailors in the past?

Sailors used celestial navigation techniques to navigate at sea by observing the positions of stars, the sun, and the moon. By studying these celestial bodies, sailors could determine their location, heading, and time of day, allowing them to navigate long distances and accurately reach their destinations.

How did technology aid European sailors?

Technology such as the compass, astrolabe, and improved ship design helped European sailors navigate and explore new territories. These tools allowed for more accurate mapping of trade routes, safer sea travel, and increased efficiency in ship operations.

What star helped sailors to navigate?

Polaris, the North Star.

What did the sailors used to navigate in the olden days?

The moon and stars.

Why is longitude and latitude important to sailors?

So that they can know where theyre and can navigate

What wind system helps sailors navigate earth ocean?


What helps sailors in the fog?

Sailors in the fog use radar to detect objects and other vessels nearby. They also rely on sound signals such as foghorns to communicate their position and avoid collisions. Additionally, having a good understanding of navigational charts and using GPS technology can help sailors navigate safely through foggy conditions.

In ancient times why did sailors need to know about stars?

Sailors needed to know about stars for navigation purposes. By observing the positions of stars in the night sky, sailors could determine their location and direction at sea, helping them to navigate safely to their destinations.

What wind system helped early sailors navigate earth ocean?
