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The space shuttle is not capable of leaving low earth orbit, a rocket like what the Apollo missions used (although much bigger) would be required.

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Q: What space shuttle will you use to get to Saturn?
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Related questions

What kind of space shuttle did Apollo 13 use?

Apollo 13 did not use a Space Shuttle. Apollo 13 was in April, 1970. The Space Shuttle was not invented until the '80s. Apollo 13 was launched by Saturn V.

How could you get to Saturn?

By a rocket or space shuttle

When was the space shuttle Saturn 5 invented?

The first manned space shuttle mission occurred on the 12th of April 1981. However it was the space shuttle Columbia, not the Saturn V rocket. The Saturn V rocket was first used for a manned mission on December the 21st 1968. Two very different space vehicles. The Saturn V rocket was used to send man to the Moon, where as the space shuttle is used to sent humans into Earth orbit.

How long does it take to get to Saturn with a space shuttle?

A space shuttle traveling at its maximum speed of about 17,500 miles per hour would take around 5.5 years to reach Saturn, which is about 746 million miles away on average. This estimation does not account for factors such as orbital mechanics and launch windows, which are important considerations for interplanetary travel.

Did neil Armstrong use a space shuttle to get to the moon?

No, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were launched in a command module with a lunar module attached aboard a SATURN V rocket, not a space shuttle.

Are there any space words starting with s?

Saturn, Star, Shuttle,

How long does it take for a space shuttle to land on the moon?

The Apollo missions took about three days to travel from Earth to the Moon. Once a space shuttle reaches lunar orbit, it takes less than a day to descend and land on the Moon's surface.

What is the problem with the space shuttle compared to rockets like Saturn v?

it blew up

What does it use the space shuttle to get into space?


How did the space shuttle try to move in space?

The shuttle moved by the use of thruster rockets.

What is the different between a space rocket and a space shuttle?

A space rocket is a type of vehicle used to propel spacecraft into space, while a space shuttle refers to a specific type of spacecraft that can carry crew and cargo to and from space. Space shuttles are reusable vehicles that are launched like a rocket but land like an airplane.

How long would it take for a space shuttle to travel to Saturn?

long time compare to earth