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It is Jupiter

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Natalia Roberts

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Q: What planet radiates more energy from space than it receives from the sun?
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Where does the suns energy go?

The sun's energy is converted into various forms: heat, light, and radiation. Some of this energy is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, land, and oceans, driving processes like weather patterns, photosynthesis, and ocean currents.

Why does Jupiter radiate more energy into space than it receives from the sun?

Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the sun because it is still cooling down from its formation billions of years ago. The planet generates internal heat through gravitational contraction, which causes it to emit excess energy. This process is known as "thermal cooling."

Explain why Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the sun?

Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the Sun because it is still contracting due to its gravitational forces, which generates heat. This internal heat contributes to Jupiter's overall energy output. Additionally, Jupiter's strong magnetic field interacts with its surrounding environment, leading to the release of energy through processes like auroras.

How does the sun radiate energy?

The sun radiates energy through nuclear fusion in its core. In this process, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. This energy then travels outward through the sun's layers and is eventually released into space.

What is the ideal radiation budget?

Radiation budget is Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere has more solar energy than it radiates back to space.

Related questions

How does the heat Jupiter radiates compare to the energy it receives from the Sun?

Jupiter radiates about 1.6 times more energy than it receives from the Sun. This excess heat is leftover from Jupiter's formation and helps to sustain its atmosphere and powerful weather systems.

Why scientist considers earth an essentially close system?

Earth is essentially not a closed system. It receives energy from the sun and looses energy as it radiates heat into space.

What is global energy balance?

Global energy balance refers to the equilibrium between the amount of energy Earth receives from the sun and the amount of energy Earth radiates back into space. This balance is crucial for maintaining stable temperatures on our planet and sustaining life. Changes in this balance, such as an increase in greenhouse gases, can lead to climate change.

How does the sun lose energy?

It radiates energy into space in the form of electromagnetic energy.

How does the sun lose its energy?

It radiates energy into space in the form of electromagnetic energy.

Where does the suns energy go?

The sun's energy is converted into various forms: heat, light, and radiation. Some of this energy is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, land, and oceans, driving processes like weather patterns, photosynthesis, and ocean currents.

Why the temperature on earth does not keep on increasing when sun is a kind of energy and where does the energy go?

The earth re-radiates energy when it can. The earth absorbs solar energy, but constantly radiates heat back out into space. When the earth rotates, the "non-sun" side is facing the cold of open space, and the surface of the earth radiates a whole bunch of heat out into the darkness of space. That's why it usually gets cold at night - all that energy is leaving.

Is earth an isolated system?

No. An isolated system is one which has no exchange of matter and energy with the surrounding. In case of earth, many gas particles of earth's atmosphere are lost to the space. Also it receives energy from the earth. Hence there is a transfer of matter and energy with surrounding (universe) so earth is not an isolated system.

How is the sun an example of radiant energy?

That means it radiates energy (in the form of electromagnetic waves) into space.

Does the earth give off as much energy as it takes from the sun?

No, the Earth does not give off as much energy as it takes from the Sun. The Earth reflects, absorbs, and radiates a portion of the solar energy it receives, but it does not emit an equal amount back into space. Some of the energy is also used in processes like photosynthesis, weather patterns, and ocean currents.

Why does Jupiter radiate more energy into space than it receives from the sun?

Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the sun because it is still cooling down from its formation billions of years ago. The planet generates internal heat through gravitational contraction, which causes it to emit excess energy. This process is known as "thermal cooling."

Explain why Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the sun?

Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the Sun because it is still contracting due to its gravitational forces, which generates heat. This internal heat contributes to Jupiter's overall energy output. Additionally, Jupiter's strong magnetic field interacts with its surrounding environment, leading to the release of energy through processes like auroras.