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Q: What planet is covered in cloud?
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Is the planet Venus the most gaseous planet?

Venus is not a gaseous planet. It is a rocky planet covered by cloud.

What planet is always covered by a very thick cloud of carbon dioxide and acid vapour?


What is the cloud coverage on Jupiter?

Jupiter's cloud coverage is composed of multiple layers of ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide, and water vapor clouds. The planet's dynamic atmosphere features colorful bands of clouds, including the prominent Great Red Spot, which is a massive storm system.

Which planet is covered by fog?

Venus is the planet known for having a thick layer of fog or clouds that completely cover its surface. These clouds are mostly composed of sulfuric acid and create a greenhouse effect, leading to extremely high surface temperatures on the planet.

The red planet?

Mars is the red planet, because it looks red on close approaches. The next close approach will be in the spring of 2014, you can have a look at it then.

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What planet has a a rapidly moving cloud called the scooter?

Neptune is the planet that has the moving cloud nicknamed 'scooter'. Neptune is considered a gas giant, and is the eighth planet from the Sun.

What can be seen on Venus?

nothing out side of the planet because it is covered in so many thick cloud but on the planet volcanoes are always erupting and acid rains happen reguraly so if u dont die first you would see these things

Which cloud shrouded planet did the Magellan spacecraft map with radar?

The Magellan spacecraft mapped the cloud-shrouded planet Venus with radar.

What is the nearest planet to the Oort cloud?

Pluto, although it is considered a dwarf planet.

Where was the electron cloud made?

On the electron planet!

Which planet is covered in mostly water?

Earth is the planet that is covered mostly in water, with approximately 71% of its surface covered by oceans.