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Moons are considered satellites, hence several planets in our solar system have satellites: Neptune, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus & Jupiter.

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Q: What planet in the solar system has a satellite?
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What is the largest satellite in solar system?

Ganymede is the largest moon/satellite in our solar system, in orbit around the planet Jupiter.Ganymede, a moon if Jupiter, is the largest satellite in the solar system.

What planet has the sixth largest satellite in the solar system?

Saturn has the sixth largest satellite in the solar system, known as Titan. It is larger than the planet Mercury and is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere.

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What is the biggest satellite in the solar system of?

Ganymede, a moon of Jupiter, is the largest natural satellite in our solar system. But you could argue that Jupiter is the largest as it is a satellite of our sun. You could also argue that our own sun is a satellite of the galactic centre.

The largest natural satellite in your solar system belongs to which planet?

The largest natural satellite in the solar system, in relative size to its planet, is Ganymede, which belongs to Jupiter. Ganymede is even larger than the planet Mercury.

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Pluto has the most bizarre satellite in the entire solar system, it's moon is nearly its own mass.

Is the moon in your solar system?

Yes, the moon is in our solar system. It is Earth's natural satellite that orbits around our planet.

Which planet's moon is the largest satellite in our solar system?

Jupiter. Its largest moon is called Ganymede, this is also the largest moon in our solar system.

Is Ganymede a satellite?

Yes, Ganymede is a moon or a natural satellite of the planet Jupiter. It is the largest moon in the solar system and is even larger than the planet Mercury.

Which planet in the solar system has the largest satellite?

Jupiter. It has the largest moon in the solar system called Ganymede. The earth has the largest moon relative to its size though.

Witch planet doesn't have no moon?

Venus does not have any moons. It is the only planet in our solar system besides Mercury that does not have a natural satellite orbiting around it.

Which planet has the largest solar system moon?

The largest moon in the Solar System is Ganymede, which is slightly larger (by volume) than the planet Mercury (Mercury is much denser, though, having about twice the mass of Ganymede). Ganymede is a satellite of Jupiter.