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Q: What percentage of the suns radiation is reflected by the clouds?
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How much of suns energy is absorbed or reflected by clouds?


What percent of the Sun's energy intercepted by the Earth is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds?

This Answer is as Variable, considering all of the varying Parameters, as it is Crucial to Our Tenuous Situation. This percentage, as Critical as it is, in not predictable as the Output of Solar radiation is as unknowable as the powerful Incidence of detrimental Cosmic Rays.

Why is the sun's radiation reflected back into space?

The sun's radiation is reflected back into space by the Earth's atmosphere, clouds, snow, ice, and other reflective surfaces. This reflection helps regulate the Earth's temperature by preventing excessive heating.

What percentage of the suns energy that reaches the earth is absorbed by earth surface?

About 50 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface. In addition, about 9 percent is reflected.About 22 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is reflected by clouds and the atmosphere.About 19 percent of the Sun's incoming energy is absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere.

What percentage of the suns energy is scattered or reflected back into space what causes this loss of solar energy?

Roughly 30% of the sun's energy is scattered or reflected back into space primarily due to interactions with the Earth's atmosphere, clouds, and surface. This loss of solar energy occurs through processes like Rayleigh scattering, absorption, and reflection.

What percent of the suns heat can can clouds absorb on a cloudy day?

About 6% of the shortwave energy that comes from the sun is actually absorbed by clouds on a cloudy day.

Is it radiation that when the sun makes you warm?

it is the suns radiation

What is radiation in water cycle?

the radiation is the suns heat

Why is 6 of the suns energy scattered or reflected into space?


How do the suns heat get to the earth?


What happens to the suns energy that is reflected?

It goes back into space.

Do the suns rays get reflected or absorbed by energy?

Neither, they ARE energy.