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Q: What part of the moon do we see from earth?
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Explain what causes us to see the different phases of the moon Include in your explanation a reference to the motion of the moon involved the relationship of the earth's and moon's plane of orbit a?

The different phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth, and moon. As the moon orbits Earth, the angle between the Earth, sun, and moon changes, causing different portions of the moon to be illuminated by sunlight, creating the various phases. The moon's orbit is slightly tilted compared to Earth's orbit around the sun, which is why we see the different phases as the moon moves in and out of Earth's shadow.

What you see of the moon depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces the earth?

Yes, exactly. The part of the Moon we see bright is the part that is exposed to direct sunlight.

Why does the moon appears to change shapes?

The changing shapes of the moon, known as its phases, are due to its position relative to the sun and Earth. As the moon orbits Earth, the amount of sunlight that reflects off its surface changes, creating the appearance of different shapes or phases from our perspective on Earth.

Can people only see the part of the moon where the sun is shining on it?

Yes, people can only see the part of the moon that is illuminated by the sun, which is why the moon appears to change shape throughout its cycle. The side of the moon facing away from the sun is in darkness.

What part of the moon is always in sunlight?

The part of the moon that is always in sunlight is the "near side" of the moon, which faces Earth and receives light from the sun. This is the side that we see from Earth, as the moon rotates at the same rate that it orbits Earth, keeping the same side facing us.

Related questions

What part of the moon do you see when it orbit earth?

whichever part you see

Explain what causes us to see the different phases of the moon Include in your explanation a reference to the motion of the moon involved the relationship of the earth's and moon's plane of orbit a?

The different phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the sun, Earth, and moon. As the moon orbits Earth, the angle between the Earth, sun, and moon changes, causing different portions of the moon to be illuminated by sunlight, creating the various phases. The moon's orbit is slightly tilted compared to Earth's orbit around the sun, which is why we see the different phases as the moon moves in and out of Earth's shadow.

On earth what part of the moon do you see?

The near side.

What part of the Moon do you see from Earth?

Weird people

Can people on earth always see thee part of the moon that is illuminated?

No, we can see only 59% of the moon.

Why does the moon appears to change shapes?

The changing shapes of the moon, known as its phases, are due to its position relative to the sun and Earth. As the moon orbits Earth, the amount of sunlight that reflects off its surface changes, creating the appearance of different shapes or phases from our perspective on Earth.

What you see of the moon depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces the earth?

Yes, exactly. The part of the Moon we see bright is the part that is exposed to direct sunlight.

When do you see the whole lighted part of the moon?

When the Moon is the opposite side of the Earth to the Sun.

What do you call the moon when it is not visable on earth?

the part of the moon cycle when you would not see it is called the new moon.

'When a full moon occurs if there were people on the moon would they see a 'full' Earth'?

Not necessarily. Think about it... if you can see a full moon in the middle of the night, then someone on the moon would be able to see your part of the earth.... which would be in darkness.

If the moon is half full as seen from earth what would earth look like to a man on the moon?

To a person on the moon, Earth would also appear to be halfway illuminated, with the half that is facing the sun appearing bright and the other half in shadow. This is because the sun's light is only illuminating half of Earth which is also half-facing the moon.

How much of the moon do you see if it is a new moon?

All of it. We can see the dark part of the Moon too, due to light reflected off Earth.