

Best Answer
  1. Earth
  2. Venus
  3. Mars

The greenhouse effect occurs on every planet with an atmosphere (including Earth). On Venus, there is a runaway greenhouse effect causing temperatures high enough to melt lead.

Mars has a greenhouse effect that is weak because of its thin atmosphere.

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11y ago

Three planets actually.

  1. Earth
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
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11y ago

No outer planets have a significant greenhouse effect.

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6y ago

The worst greenhouse effect is seen on the planet Venus, but Earth also has an atmosphere with a pronounced greenhouse effect.

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Venus, Mars and Earth all have greenhouse effects.

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Q: What planet has an atmosphere with a greenhouse effect?
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Can a planet with no atmosphere have a greenhouse effect?

No, a planet without an atmosphere cannot have a greenhouse effect because the atmosphere is necessary to trap heat and create the warming effect. Without an atmosphere, there is no mechanism to retain heat and create the greenhouse effect.

What is the trapping of heat near a planet's surface by certain gases in the planet's atmosphere?

We call it the greenhouse effect, which is natural, or the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

Which planet's poisonous atmosphere has been described as the product of a runaway greenhouse effect?

Venus is the planet with a poisonous atmosphere caused by a runaway greenhouse effect. The thick layer of carbon dioxide traps heat, leading to extreme temperatures and pressure on the surface.

Does the greenhouse effect make mercury very hot?

The greenhouse effect is not the primary factor that makes Mercury very hot. Mercury's proximity to the sun and lack of a significant atmosphere to regulate temperature are key reasons for its extreme temperatures, reaching up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and dropping to -290 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

What is the process in which the atmosphere traps infrared rays?

The process by which the atmosphere traps infrared rays is known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This results in the warming of the planet, contributing to climate change.

Related questions

Which planet atmosphere is increased by the greenhouse effect?

Research has shown that the planet Venus has its atmosphere temperature increased by the greenhouse effect

Can a planet with no atmosphere have a greenhouse effect?

No, a planet without an atmosphere cannot have a greenhouse effect because the atmosphere is necessary to trap heat and create the warming effect. Without an atmosphere, there is no mechanism to retain heat and create the greenhouse effect.

Does a planet need an atmosphere to have an Greenhouse Effect?

Yes, there must be greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Without a greenhouse effect the planet would be unable to sustain life. The greenhouse effect is required for life as we know it.

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called what?

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. This occurs when gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere trap heat radiating from the planet's surface, leading to a warming effect.

Does a planet have to have an atmosphere to have a greenhouse effect?

Yes, an atmosphere is necessary for a planet to have a greenhouse effect. The atmosphere traps heat from the planet's surface, creating a warming effect similar to a greenhouse. Without an atmosphere, there would be no mechanism to retain and redistribute heat, leading to extreme temperature fluctuations.

What is necessary for a planet to have the greenhouse effect?

Gas and/or Atmosphere

Does a planet need atmosphere to have a Greenhouse Effect?

Yes. The greenhouse effect is caused by gasses that block thermal radiation from a planet's surface.

What happens to the planet because of the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is when heat gets in the atmosphere but not all of it is getting out.

What planet has an atmosphere thar has an extreme greenhouse effect?


Does the greenhouse effect occur on the moon or the earth?

The greenhouse effect comes about when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere capture heat rising from the surface of the planet. As the moon has no atmosphere, it could not have a greenhouse effect. So the answer is: The earth.

Which of the inner planet has a greenhouse effect due to its thick atmosphere?


When the atmosphere keeps the planet warm its called?

The atmosphere keeping the planet warm is called the greenhouse effect. It occurs when certain gases trap heat from the sun in Earth's atmosphere, leading to an overall warming of the planet's surface temperatures.