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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

Some nouns related to the sun include: star, light, heat, energy, rays, solar system, and day.

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Q: What nouns have to do with the sun?
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What are to nouns that go with sun?

Some nouns that go with the sun are:shinerisesettanburnteabeambatherbonnetglassesscreendeckdialdressfishflowerlamplightroofporchroomspotstrokebelt

What are two nouns for sunshine?

The two nouns that form sunshine are the words 'sun' and 'shine'.

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Is the sun a he or a she in the English language?

The sun is neither as English does not have gender specific nouns.

What are some nouns for sun?

Examples of nouns that are synonyms of the noun 'sun' are:starbrilliancedaylightilluminationluminosityradiance

The noun in this sentence The sun was so bright you needed your glasses?

The nouns in the sentence are sun and glasses.

What 3 letter nouns end with n?

sun, fun.

What is the collective nouns for sun ray?

There is no standard collective noun for 'sun rays', however, collective nouns are an informal part of language. Any noun that suits a situation can functions as a collective noun, for example: a beam of sun rays, a glare of sun rays, a dapple of sun rays, etc.

Nouns that start with K and S?

Examples of nouns that start with K and S are:kangarooKarenkayakkelpKentuckyketchupkindnesskingkitchenkneeknowledgekoalasadnesssaladsealshirtsilksinkskysorrowSpamstarswordspy

How you can say sun is a masculine gender and moon is a feminane gender?

You can say, 'Sun is a masculine gender and moon is a feminine gender.', however, in English this is not true. English has no gender for nouns, all nouns are neutral and take a neutral verbs.

Nouns starting with the letter s?

Common Nouns- soup, soap, sofa, sock, sun, snail, slug, salad, school Proper Nouns- Switzerland, Stanley, Sam, Sophia, Steve, Spain, Sunday

Past present and future of the sun?

If you're asking this in English terms, the sun is an object (a noun). Nouns don't generally have tenses.