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Q: What makes the moon and a star alike?
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What makes the moon and star alike?


How Moon and star alike?

because thay are gay

What makes a star different from the moon?

a star emits its own light. the moon just reflects, it like the planets, it has no light of its own

What makes the moon and a planet alike?

Both moons and planets are objects in space that orbit a larger body.

How is the moon and the sun not alike?

The Sun is a star and emits solar light, and is at the centre of our Universe. The Moon is a small satellite planet that orbits the Earth, and only reflects the light striking the Moon's surface.

How are earth's moon and mercury's moons alike?

Mercury does not have a moon.

Was the moon a star?

The moon was never a star.

Why does the moon seem bigger than any other star?

The moon is much closer to Earth than any other star, which makes it appear larger in the sky. Stars are actually much larger than the moon, but their distance from Earth makes them appear as tiny points of light in the night sky.

How is the moon not a star?

The Moon is not a star because a star is made of a gases.

How they are alike star and planet?

A star and a planet, both have cores.

How is Twilight Saga Eclipse and Twilight saga new moon alike?

there not alike at all new moon is broring and eclipse is really awsome

Is the moon the only star that orbits the earth?

The moon is not a star it is a moon. A star is made of gas - the moon is solid But it is the only object to orbit the earth