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The Aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is outstanding due to its stunning and otherworldly natural light display in the Earth's polar regions. It occurs when charged particles from the sun collide with atoms in the Earth's atmosphere, creating vibrant colors and patterns that dance across the night sky. The Aurora borealis is a breathtaking phenomenon that captivates viewers with its beauty and unique celestial spectacle.

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What makes Aurora borealis glow?

Energy coming from the sun.

What are the northern light also known as?

The Aurora Borealis

Why were the northern lights named aurora borealis?

''Aurora'' means Dawn and ''Borealis'' means North. So basically Aurora borealis means ''Dawn of north''.

When was Aurora Borealis - album - created?

Aurora Borealis - album - was created on 2004-06-22.

What is aurora borealis commanly know as?

"The Northern Lights" is Aurora Borealis's commonly used name.

Can you see aurora borealis from the Aleutian Islands?

When the Aurora Borealis happen, they can be seen from the Aleutian Islands.

What does borealis mean in Aurora Borealis?

northen lights

How is and aurora borealis different from and aurora australis?

Aurora Borealis occurs in northern parts of the world. Aurora Australis in southern parts of the world. Borealis is more known because there are more places and people to see them.

How do you say Aurora Borealis in Spanish?

Aurora boreal, or even more technical, you can also say it as in Latin "Aurora borealis"[au̯.ˈɾo.ɾa.βo.ɾeˈa.lis]

When do Aurora borealis occurs?

The aurora borealis occur at times of heightened states of solar activity, this also applies to the aurora australius.

What causes the Aurora borealis (Northern lights)?

Aurora Borealis is caused by particles hitting earth's atmosphere thermosphere and they are stopped, so they give of their energy in the "Northern Lights" or Aurora Borealis.

What causes aurora borealis northern lights?

Aurora Borealis is caused by particles hitting earth's atmosphere thermosphere and they are stopped, so they give of their energy in the "Northern Lights" or Aurora Borealis.