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The interactions of its atoms with light.

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Justus Rau

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Q: What makes lazurite blue?
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What makes lazurite look blue?

Lazurite appears blue due to its chemical composition, particularly the presence of sulfur and aluminum within its structure. These elements interact with light, absorbing certain wavelengths while reflecting blue light, resulting in the gemstone's characteristic blue color.

What does lazurite's blue color come from in atoms of which element?

Lazurite's blue color comes from the presence of sulfur atoms within its crystal structure, which absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect blue light. This interaction between the sulfur atoms and light gives lazurite its distinctive blue hue.

Which characteristic would best help to identify a sample of lazurite from among the other minerals in the table?

The characteristic that would best help to identify lazurite is its deep blue color. Lazurite is known for its vibrant blue hue, which is distinct from many other minerals. This color can be used as a key identifier when distinguishing lazurite from other minerals in a table.

What atom of which element does lazurite's blue color come from?


New instrumentation allowed chemists to discover that lazurite's blue color comes from atoms of which element?

Sulfur. The blue color of lazurite comes from the presence of sulfur atoms within its crystal structure.

What made lazurite look blue?

Lazurite appears blue due to its chemical composition, specifically the presence of sulfur in its structure. The sulfur atoms selectively absorb red and yellow wavelengths of light, causing the stone to reflect blue light and giving it its distinctive color.

What is Lazurite also known as?

Lazurite is also known as lapis lazuli. It is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been used in jewelry and decorative objects for centuries due to its vibrant color and beauty.

What is lazurite used in or made in?

Lazurite is a blue mineral that is commonly used as a source of the gemstone lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is a popular semi-precious stone that has been used in jewelry, carvings, and decorative items for centuries due to its vivid blue color.

Why did Renaissance painters prefer the pigment made from lazurite over blue pigments?

It gave a brilliant color and did not fade

Why did the Renaissance painters prefer the pigment made from lazurite over other blue pigments?

it gave a brillliant color and did not fade BRIOBUCKZ

Chemical reaction for ultramarine blue?

The chemical reaction for ultramarine blue involves heating a mixture of clay, soda ash, sulfur, and charcoal to high temperatures. The sulfur reacts with the clay minerals to form a blue-colored mineral called lazurite, which gives ultramarine blue its characteristic hue.

How is Lapis Lazuli formed?

Lapis lazuli is formed through a metamorphic process of combining minerals such as lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. It typically forms in limestone where sulfur deposits interact with minerals during high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. The blue color of lapis lazuli comes from the presence of the mineral lazurite.