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Solar eclipses are cases by the nearly circular motion of the moon around Earth, which occasionally brings the moon directly between Earth and the sun, causing it to cast a shadow. The moon's orbit around Earth is slightly tilted with respect to Earth's orbit around the sun, enough that it is relatively rare for all three objects to align with enough precision to produce an eclipse.

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Bennett Bode

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1y ago
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what kinds of motion cause solar and lunar eclipses?

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eclipse is of two kinds- solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

What are the kinds of eclipes?

the kinds of eclipse in our earth is solar eclipse and lunar eclipse

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That would be a partial solar eclipse.

Why is a solar eclipse formed?

cause it wants to.

What does the Moon's shadow cause?

a solar eclipse

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If you are referring to a solar eclipse it is there the moon comes in the direct path of the sun when there is a new moon there will be a solar eclipse

What day does a solar eclipse occur?

The occurrence of eclipse cycle depends on the separation of eclipse by certain interval of time. This depends on the orbital motion and harmonic patters of the bodies.

Why is solar eclipse occur?

There are different kinds of solar eclipses. A solar eclipse occurs when an astrological body blocks view of the sun. If the observer is standing on the earth, and the moon moves in between the observer and the sun, that is an eclipse. If the observer is standing on earth's moon, and the earth moves between the observer and the sun, that is also an eclipse.

When earth shadow falls on the moon does this cause a solar eclipse?

No, when the Earth's shadow falls on the moon it causes a lunar eclipse, not a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses occur when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on Earth.

Did Hipparchus predict a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse.