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You actually need a dick space suit and a dick helmet with pubes. The pubes will keep you warm

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6d ago

A space suit for Venus would need to be able to withstand extreme temperatures reaching up to 870 degrees Fahrenheit (465 degrees Celsius) and corrosive sulfuric acid clouds. It would also need to provide adequate thermal regulation, pressure control, and life support systems for the harsh conditions on the planet's surface.

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What kind of space suit do people where on when going to Venus?

To withstand Venus's extreme temperatures and pressure, astronauts would require a high-tech space suit that can insulate against heat and provide life support systems. These suits would likely be specially designed to resist corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere and maintain a cool temperature for the astronaut inside.

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a artificial atmosphere, a highly cooling and heating suit and a space ship able to enter and exit the original atmosphere.

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a high tec space suit because of the extream heat and pressure!!

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What to wear when you go to venus planet?

I believe that you should were a space suit, or something to protect you from all the heat in the atmosphere.

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A space suit and a rocket and space man food!

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You will need a space suit , water, food, space craft and yourself.

What is the name of an astronaut suit?

It's called a space suit