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The International Space Station (ISS) is equipped with various scientific equipment for research like microgravity experiments, Earth observation instruments, and life support systems for crew sustenance. It also contains living quarters, exercise equipment, communication systems, and robotic arms for external maintenance tasks.

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Q: What kind of equipment is on the ISS?
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How do supplies get to the ISS?

Supplies are typically delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) by spacecraft, such as SpaceX's Dragon or Northrop Grumman's Cygnus, launched from Earth. These spacecraft are designed to dock with the ISS and deliver cargo, food, equipment, and scientific experiments to the astronauts on board.

Who owns the iss?

The ISS is owned by multiple space agencies representing countries involved in its construction and operation, including NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), ESA (Europe), JAXA (Japan), and CSA (Canada). Each partner has contributed different modules and equipment to the station.

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What kind of equipment are we talking about?

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So they can find where they are going, like the ISS

What equipment does the international space station carry?

The ISS carries MANY different kinds of equipment from plants, to space food, experiental equipment, spae suits, and they even have a cumputer that tells ET'S what planet we are from, what animals live on earth , currency, country's, and how humans reproduce.

What is the Belgian contribution to the International Space Station?

Belgium's contribution to the International Space Station (ISS) includes providing specialized equipment and technology, such as the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) instruments for solar science research. Belgian astronauts have also participated in ISS missions. Additionally, Belgian researchers and scientists collaborate with international partners on various experiments and projects conducted on the ISS.

Equipment you are to use?

Only equipment with certificate and insurance.Get them from shops that are specialized in the kind of equipment you seek.

where can i find cheap lease equipment to start my business?

it all depends on what kind of equipment you are looking for..what kind of business do you have and type of equipment do you need? this is too broad of a question..

How long is iss?

The ISS is as big as a football field

What examples of technology are there on board the iss?

its because its the ISS

How often does the International Space Station get supplies?

The International Space Station (ISS) is resupplied approximately every 2-3 months. This involves cargo spacecraft from various countries bringing food, equipment, and research materials to the ISS.

What is the fuel for the International Space Station?

The International Space Station (ISS) uses a combination of rocket fuel and oxidizer to power its engines for maneuvers and reboosts. It also uses solar panels to generate electricity for its systems and experiments. Additionally, water is used as a coolant for various equipment on the ISS.