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The wavelength of light emitted by a red star typically falls within a range of around 620 to 750 nanometers, corresponding to the red region of the visible spectrum. The exact wavelength can vary based on the star's temperature and composition.

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Q: What is the wavelength of a red star?
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Which color has the longest wavelength and shows that a star is moving away from us?

It's not that a particular color has the longest wavelength. The wavelength BECOMES longer when a star moves away from us. Red light has a longer wavelength than blue, for example.

When a star is red is its waves longer or shorter?

When a star is red, its waves are longer. Red light has a longer wavelength compared to other colors in the visible spectrum.

What is the relationship between the color of the star and temperature of a star?

The color of a star is directly related to its temperature. Hotter stars appear blue or white, while cooler stars appear red. This relationship is described by Wien's Law, which states that hotter objects emit shorter-wavelength, higher-energy light, while cooler objects emit longer-wavelength, lower-energy light.

Is the color of star an effect of its temperature?

Yes, the color of a star is related to its temperature. Hotter stars appear bluer, while cooler stars appear redder. This is described by Wien's Law, which states that the peak wavelength of light emitted by an object is inversely proportional to its temperature.

Why does a red star shine red?

Stars emit light because they are hot. When a hot object glows the color of light it emits depends on the temperature. The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of light. The shortest wavelength of visible light is red Therefore the stars with the lowest temperature glow red.

Which color has highest wavelength?

Red has the highest wavelength among the visible colors.

The color with the largest wavelength is?

Red has the longest wavelength among the visible colors.

Which star will emit the shortest wavelength of its peak frequency?

The star emitting the shortest wavelength of its peak frequency will be a star with high temperature, such as a blue star. This is because the wavelength of light emitted by an object is inversely proportional to its temperature according to Wien's law.

What is the color of the collest star?

The color of the coolest star is red. Cool stars emit lower-energy, longer-wavelength light, which results in a reddish appearance.

What can you infer about a star that exhibits a red shift in its spectra?

A red shift in a star's spectrum indicates that the star is moving away from us. This is due to the Doppler effect, where the wavelength of light is stretched as the source moves away, shifting it towards the red end of the spectrum. This can be used to determine the star's velocity and direction of movement.

What color out of red yellow and green has the shortest wavelength?

Green has the shortest wavelength of those.

What has a longer wavelength red or green?

Red light has the longest wavelength that's visible to the eye.Violet light, just past blue in the rainbow, has the shortest wavelengththat's visible to the eye. It's roughly half the size of a wave of red light.