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The water droplets themselves are just water droplets, precipitates, runoff.
They got there through condensation, the change of a gas state back to a liquid state, and the reverse of vaporization.
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Q: What is the water droplets on the outside of your cup called?
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Where did the water droplets come from On the cup of ice?

That's condensation—the water vapor in the air around the cup condenses on its surface because it's cold. So it comes from the air around the cup.

How water vapor looks like?

Water vapor is invisible to the naked eye because it consists of individual molecules dispersed in the air. However, when water vapor cools and condenses into tiny liquid water droplets, it becomes visible as clouds or fog.

Where did the water in the outer cup come from?

The water in the outer cup likely came from condensation due to the temperature difference between the cold inner cup and the warmer room temperature. As the air inside the cup cools down, the moisture in the air is released and condenses on the outside of the cup.

Why does the light of the candle turn off when the cup cover the candle and the water raises?

the candle light turns off when the cup is placed over the candle and water rushes in due to atmospheric pressure . when cup is placed on the candle all the air goes out and the glass lifts up due to the atmospheric pressure releases from outside of the cup as there is no air inside to balance the pressure exerted out of the cup . thus when the glass lifts up and the water gets into the cup .

If you place a cup of sand and a cup of water in the sun which one will heat up faster?

The cup of water will heat up faster than the cup of sand because water has a higher specific heat capacity, meaning it requires more energy to increase its temperature compared to sand. Sand, being a solid, has a lower specific heat capacity and will heat up more quickly.

Related questions

Why would droplets of water form on the outside of a cup?


Would droplets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?


Why a glass of ice water often has water droplets which form on the outside while a hot cup of tea or soup does not?

the main reason is condensation of water vapour in the air to water droplets

Why do droplets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?

Water droplets form on the outside of a glass cup when the air around the cup is cooler than the temperature of the water inside. This causes the warm, moist air in the cup to come into contact with the cooler air, leading to condensation and the formation of water droplets on the outside of the cup.

What is it called when water builds on the outside of a cup?


Why there is water droplets forming on mirror when blown?

The hot heat from the hot water turns evaporates. Once it reaches or touches a cool surface (mirror), the heat would condense and turn into water droplets. Therefore, water droplets are found in the mirror when you bath.

Why would drophlets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?

Assuming the glass cup held a cold liquid, the air closest to the cup will be colder than the surrounding air, causing water vapour in the air to condense into liquid water droplets.

Why water droplets can be found outer surface of cup?

Your question is imprecise - we do not get the point of what you are asking. Water droplets can be found on the outer surface of a cup if it has just been washed!

What part of the water cycle does the water on the outside of a cup show?

The water on the outside of the cup is an example of condensation.

Why do water droplets form on the inner wall of a covered cup of hot water?

Water droplets form on the inner wall of a covered cup of hot water because the air inside the cup becomes saturated with water vapor from the evaporating hot water. When the air cools against the cooler walls of the cup, it cannot hold as much water vapor, causing the excess moisture to condense and form droplets.

Why there are no water droplets outside of a warm cup?

Condensation can only occur on a glass that is cold. The reason why condensation forms is because water vapor in the air (a gas) cools and turns into liquid water when it comes into contact with a cold surface.

If given a metal container filled with ice waterwhat will form on the outside of the canwhere does it come from?

a condensation of water will form on the outside of the metal container. What really happens is the frigid temperature of the cup actually cool the air down that it comes in contact with and water droplets form.