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I think you coin may have been minted in the Marshall Islands and is worth about $15.

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Q: What is the value of a 1986 Space Shuttle 5 Commemorative coin?
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The space shuttle that exploded in 1986 was the Challenger.

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The US space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986.

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The space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986.

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The space shuttle that exploded in 1986 was the Space Shuttle Challenger. It tragically disintegrated 73 seconds after launch, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members.

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The space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986, shortly after liftoff.

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The space shuttle Challenger exploded 1 minute after liftoff on January 28, 1986.

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The space shuttle disaster in 1986 was the Challenger disaster. The Challenger space shuttle broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members.

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The space shuttle Challenger exploded on lift-off on January 28, 1986.

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The Challenger Space Shuttle blew up on January 28, 1986.

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The Challenger space shuttle exploded on January 28, 1986.

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The space shuttle Challenger crashed on January 28, 1986.

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