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Q: What is the the puzzle on mission 8?
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It changes with each new puzzle

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Mission 8 clue refers to a hint or piece of information given during the eighth mission of a particular task or adventure. It is typically provided to help guide participants in achieving their objective or solving a puzzle.

How do you do the puzzle on bin weevils?

you you do a mission

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You put the puzzle pieces in the right place

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Go to the top, then move across when the laser in that row is down, and at the last row, follow it down.

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Weekly Puzzle No 8 Professor Layton. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of Weekly puzzle No 8.

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is it that bricky kind of puzzle of the green man in the hat?yes

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Weekly puzzle No 8: What Number. Professor Layton and the Diabolical box, weekly puzzle No 8. Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of this puzzle.

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Puzzle No 8, Farm Work, Curious Village. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of puzzle 8.

Answer in magical puzzle box in 39 clues mission 7?


What is the answer to the magic puzzle box in mission 7 for the 39 clues?

The answer to the magic puzzle box in mission 7 of The 39 Clues is "Hope."

How do you complete mission seven on club penguin?

To begin, go to the Beacon and walk to the switch. After You Go To The Switch Your Spy Phone Will Ring (Click It) A Puzzle Will Come Out The Puzzle Is Similar With The Puzzle In Field Op #4 But The Puzzle Will Be Harder