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Inner of the sun Temperature is 14000°c and outer is 6000°c

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1w ago

The temperature range of the Sun varies from around 5,500 degrees Celsius at the surface to millions of degrees Celsius in the core.

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What is the suns temperature range range?

Inner of the sun Temperature is 14000°c and outer is 6000°c

How hot can the core of the sun be?

The sun's core can range to a temperature of around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

What planet's temperature range from -13 Celsius to 37 Celsius?

Mars has a temperature range that can vary from -13 Celsius to 37 Celsius, depending on the location and time of day. This range makes it a planet with significant temperature fluctuations due to its thin atmosphere and distance from the Sun.

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The surface temperature on Mercury can range from 100K (-173'C) when away from the sun and up to 700K (430'C) on the side facing the sun - at the equator.

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Scientists estimate the central temperature of the Sun using?

Scientists estimate the central temperature of the Sun using models that consider the balance between the Sun's gravitational contraction and nuclear fusion processes happening in its core. They use this information, along with measurements of the Sun's energy output and properties, to calculate a central temperature in the range of about 15 million degrees Celsius.

How do you find a temperature range?

The highest temperature minus the lowest temperature is the temperature range. The temperature range is how many degrees is in between the highest and lowest temperatures.

Would there be any temperature differences between the side of the moon facing the sun and the side away from the sun?

The difference is great. Even on Earth, there is a temperature difference whether you're in the sun, or not, or before and after sunrise/sunset. On the moon, there is no atmosphere, so the temperature difference is great. The temperature can range up to 280 Celsius above down to -250 Celsius--close to absolute zero.

Is mars as hot as earth?

Mars being 78,342,130 Kilometeres further away from the Sun, with a temperature range of -140ºC to 20ºC; Whereas Earth has a temperature range of -69ºC to 58ºC, would Make Mars much much colder than Earth.

Where is the smallest annual temperature range?

The smallest annual temperature range can typically be found near the equator in tropical regions. These areas experience relatively consistent temperatures throughout the year due to their proximity to the sun and the presence of warm ocean currents, resulting in minimal temperature fluctuations.

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Why are surface tempertures on mars low?

Mainly because it is so much further from the Sun than the Earth is. The temperature from about 20°C down to about -150°C, a range of 170°. But then there is a fairly big range on Earth as well. Our highest temperature is 57°C and lowest, -89°C - a range of 146°.