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the corona

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Q: What is the sun's outer zone?
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Related questions

What is the name of the suns outer atmosphere?


What is the suns outer visable layer?


What is the outer part of the suns atmosphere?

the corona

What is the suns outer most layer?

The outer layer of the sun is called the corona.

How is heat distributed in the surface zone of the zone?

By the SUNS ENERGY. (Which makes it hotter and hotter.)

What part of the suns under the photosphere?

Convective zone.

This is not part of the suns atmosphere?

Outer space is not considered part of the sun's atmosphere. The sun's atmosphere consists of layers such as the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona, which are directly connected to the sun itself. Outer space, on the other hand, is the vast expanse beyond the sun's outermost layer, where the sun's influence diminishes.

When was In the Zone - The Outer Limits - created?

In the Zone - The Outer Limits - was created on 1998-02-20.

How does the suns energy move through outer space?


What is the definition of the sun's layers?

The Core is were nucular fusion takes place, Radiation Zone is where tightly packed gas in the suns interior take energy and tranform it into mainley the form light, The convection Zone is the outer most layer of the suns interior wherehot gases rise and slightly cool as they approach the top making them sink and form loops of gas that move energy torwards the suns surface, The Photoshpere isthe layer that gives off visable light, The Chromosphere is the middle layer of the suns atmosphere and is what acually gives off the suns color,Then the Corona is the outer layer of the sun which looks like a halo around the sun and it extends into space for millions of Kilometer and gradualy thins into streams of electrically charged particles called Solar wind.

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lo is the suns name in a way