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Denebola is twice the size of the sun, though it's actual size is what I'd like to know.

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7mo ago

Denebola is a main sequence star that is approximately 1.75 times the size of our Sun. Its radius is estimated to be about 2.4 times that of the Sun.

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What color is the star Denebola?

Denebola is a class A star on the Main Sequence of the H-R diagram. Its burns with the white color typical of these large, hot stars.

What is the distance from earth to Denebola?

Denebola is located approximately 36.9 light-years away from Earth.

What is the magnitude of Denebola?

Denebola is a star located in the constellation Leo. It has an apparent visual magnitude of around 2.14, making it one of the brighter stars in the sky.

What is the surface temperature of denebola?

The surface temperature of Denebola is approximately 8,500 degrees Celsius (15,400 degrees Fahrenheit). Denebola is a white main sequence star in the constellation Leo, and its high surface temperature gives it a bluish-white color.

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Denebola is currently in the main sequence stage of its life cycle, where it is fusing hydrogen into helium in its core to produce energy. It is a white main-sequence star, similar to our sun but with a larger size and higher temperature.

What color is Denebola?

Denebola is a blue-white star located in the constellation Leo. From Earth, it appears as a bright white-blue color in the night sky.

What type of star is denebola?

Denebola is a type A white main sequence star located in the constellation Leo. It is about 36 times more luminous than the sun and has a surface temperature of around 8,500 K.

How hot is Denebola?

Denebola, also known as Beta Leonis, is a star located in the constellation Leo. It is classified as an A-type main sequence star with a surface temperature estimated to be around 8,500 degrees Celsius, making it hotter than our Sun.

What are three brightest stars in the Leo constellation?

The three brightest stars in Leo the Lion are : Alpha Leonis or Regulus (the Lion's heart) with an apparent magnitude of 1.35, Beta Leonis or Denebola (the Lion's tail) with an apparent magnitude of 2.14 and Gamma Leonis or Algieba (where the Lion's mane meets his body) with an apparent magnitude of 1.98 Hope that helps!

What are the main stars of Leo?

The main stars of Leo include Regulus, Algieba, Rasalas, and Denebola. Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, is located at the lion's heart. These stars contribute to the distinctive shape of the celestial lion constellation.

Is it OK to take Denebola and Testosterone at the same time?

You need to speak to your doctor about this since always when you add hormones you have to be under supervision.

What are the names of the names of the main stars?

The names of the main stars in Leo Lion are; 1.DENEBOLA 2.REGULUS 3.ALGIEBA