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Q: What is the role of gravity in a tornado?
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Does a tornado have gravity?

Gravity is present in a tornado, however, for objects that are not too heavy the upward flow of air in a tornado can overpower gravity. Tornadoes are dependent on convection, which requires gravity, but tornadoes themselves are a thermodynamic rather than gravitational event.

What is Jupiter's role of gravity?

jupiter role of gravity is 254%

What role does gravity play in the orbit of the earth and the mo?

Gravity plays the central role; without gravity, there would be no such thing as an orbit.

What is the role of gravity in maintaining an atmoshere?

It is essential: no gravity - no atmosphere.

What does gravity have to do with tornadoes?

Gravity plays a role in the formation and behavior of tornadoes by influencing the movement of air masses and temperatures, which are key factors in tornado development. As warm air rises and cold air sinks due to gravity, it can create the necessary conditions for the rotation and intensification of a tornado.

What role did gravity play making the sun?

A crucial role. Without gravity, matter would never have gathered together, to form galaxies and stars.

How does gravity play a role in astronomy?

Gravity is the force that keeps galaxies and solar systems together.

Where are auditions for Gravity Falls?

Gravity Falls has ceased production. You can't audition for a voice role.

Can fluctuation of wind cause a tornado?

Not directly. But changes in wind speed and direction in altitude, called wind shear, plays an important role in tornado formation.

How are a tornado and a black hole different?

The tornado is a weather phenomenon associated with moving air. It will be confined to a planet with atmosphere. The black hole is a point of massive gravity in space. The two are very different indeed.

Does the power or actions of a tornado create enough energy to defy gravity?

Only in the same sense that any other upward motion defines gravity. Tornadoes can lift things off the ground, so in such cases the tornado can apply more force than earth's gravity, but the same can be said when anything rises or is lifted, regardless of what is lifting it. Let's face it: You "defy gravity" every time you pick up a fork from the table, or walk upstairs.

What role does gravity play in the shapes of planets?

the bigger the planet the more gravity.the smaller the planet the least gravity