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red shift is a distance and galaxies are planets. galaxies are also chocolate bars and red shift is not. thanks for your time. now go use your own knowledge and stop using Google you gimps.

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Redshift is the phenomenon where light from distant galaxies appears to be shifted towards longer (redder) wavelengths. This is due to the expansion of the universe causing the galaxies to move away from us. The amount of redshift is directly related to the distance of the galaxy from us, with more distant galaxies experiencing higher redshift.

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What does the light from distant galaxies show red shift?

The light from distant galaxies shows redshift because the universe is expanding. As the galaxies move away from us, the light they emit gets stretched, causing its wavelength to increase and shift towards the red end of the spectrum. This redshift can help scientists determine the velocity at which galaxies are moving away from us and provide insights into the expansion of the universe.

What does the redshift tell us about the universe?

Redshift is a phenomenon where light from distant galaxies appears redder than expected due to the expansion of the universe. It tells us that the universe is expanding and provides evidence for the Big Bang theory. By studying the redshift of galaxies, scientists can understand the rate of expansion and the age of the universe.

How do we know that the Universe is expanding?

We know the universe is expanding because we can measure the redshift of distant galaxies. This redshift indicates that galaxies are moving away from us, and the further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away. This observation supports the idea of an expanding universe.

When did Hubble discover that the universe was expanding?

Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding in 1929 when he observed that distant galaxies were moving away from us, as indicated by their redshift in their spectral lines. This discovery led to the formulation of Hubble's law, which describes the relationship between a galaxy's distance and its velocity of recession.

What is the redshift distance relationship and how does it impact our understanding of the universe?

The redshift distance relationship is a phenomenon in astronomy where the light from distant objects in space appears to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum. This shift is caused by the expansion of the universe, known as the Doppler effect. By measuring the redshift of objects, scientists can determine their distance from Earth. This relationship helps us understand the size, age, and expansion rate of the universe, as well as the distribution of galaxies and the overall structure of the cosmos.

Related questions

What do th spectra of distant galaxies collected today say about hubbles original findings?

The spectra of distant galaxies collected today support Hubble's original findings by showing that galaxies are moving away from us, indicating an expanding universe. The redshift in the spectra is evidence of this cosmic expansion, consistent with Hubble's discovery of the relationship between distance and redshift.

What is the best evidence the universe is still expanding?

The redshift of distant galaxies, and the fact that the degree of redshift depends on the distance between us and those galaxies. What we observe can only be explained by Hubble Expansion.

What is one source of edvidence for the big bang?

The redshift of distant galaxies.

Why are all distant galaxies redshift?

The redshift of distant galaxies is due to the expansion of the universe. As galaxies move away from us, the light they emit is stretched to longer wavelengths, shifting them towards the red end of the spectrum. This phenomenon is known as cosmological redshift and is a key piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang theory.

What kind of Doppler shift did Hubble observe in these distant galaxies?

Most galaxies exhibit a redshift, meaning that they move away from us.

How did you discover the universe is expanding?

This can be seen from the redshift of distant galaxies - normally attributed to the Doppler effect.

What does the light from distant galaxies show red shift?

The light from distant galaxies shows redshift because the universe is expanding. As the galaxies move away from us, the light they emit gets stretched, causing its wavelength to increase and shift towards the red end of the spectrum. This redshift can help scientists determine the velocity at which galaxies are moving away from us and provide insights into the expansion of the universe.

How does redshift support the notion of the expanding universe?

The redshift of distant galaxies is believed to be a result of the Doppler effect - in other words, the light is shifted towards lower frequencies ("redshifted") due to the fact that the galaxies move away from us.

What shift did hubble see that supported the big bang theory?

Redshift; the generally accepted explanation for the redshift of distant galaxies is that it is cosmological redshift, caused by the expansion of the Universe. This is somewhat related to the idea of the Doppler effect.

Is the universe growing in all directions even now?

Yes; it is expanding right now, as can be seen in the redshift of distant galaxies.

How do the speeds at which most nearby galaxies are moving away from the earth compare to the speeds of distant galaxies that are moving away from earth?

Distant galaxies are moving away from Earth at faster speeds compared to nearby galaxies. This is due to the expansion of the universe, where galaxies farther away experience a greater redshift, indicating faster recession velocities. This relationship is described by Hubble's Law, which states that the recessional velocity of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance from us.

What does the redshift tell us about the universe?

Redshift is a phenomenon where light from distant galaxies appears redder than expected due to the expansion of the universe. It tells us that the universe is expanding and provides evidence for the Big Bang theory. By studying the redshift of galaxies, scientists can understand the rate of expansion and the age of the universe.