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solar flares i guess

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The solar surface is known as the photosphere, where the temperature is around 5,500 degrees Celsius. It emits visible light and is the layer from which sunlight is emitted. Sunspots, solar flares, and prominences are all phenomena that occur on the solar surface.

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Q: What is the phenomena of solar surface?
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The phenomena occurring on the surface of the sun?

The phenomena occurring on the surface of the sun include sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominences. Sunspots are dark areas on the surface caused by magnetic activity, while solar flares are sudden releases of energy. Solar prominences are large loops of plasma extending from the sun's surface into its outer atmosphere.

Bright red layer of sun surface containing hydrogen gas?

The bright red layer on the surface of the sun is known as the chromosphere. It is composed mainly of hydrogen gas and emits light at various wavelengths, giving it a reddish hue. The chromosphere is located above the sun's visible surface, the photosphere, and is significant in solar dynamics and phenomena.

What is the most observable phenomena in the solar cycle?

The most observable phenomena in the solar cycle is the variation in the number of sunspots. Sunspots are dark areas on the Sun's surface that represent intense magnetic activity and are closely related to the overall activity level of the Sun. The number of sunspots follows an 11-year cycle, where the Sun goes from a solar minimum with fewer sunspots to a solar maximum with increased sunspot activity and then back to a minimum.

What is that crater on the sun?

The dark spot on the sun is called a sunspot. Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the Sun's surface that appear darker than their surrounding areas due to cooler temperatures. They are caused by magnetic activity and are often associated with solar flares and solar storms.

What are some of the features that are on the surface of the Sun or above it?

Some of the features on the surface of the Sun include sunspots, solar flares, and prominences. Above the surface, you can find the solar corona, solar wind, and solar storms.

Related questions

The phenomena occurring on the surface of the sun?

The phenomena occurring on the surface of the sun include sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominences. Sunspots are dark areas on the surface caused by magnetic activity, while solar flares are sudden releases of energy. Solar prominences are large loops of plasma extending from the sun's surface into its outer atmosphere.

Are solar flares different from solar bursts?

Yes, solar flares and solar bursts are different terms used to describe similar phenomena. Solar flares refer to sudden, intense releases of energy on the Sun's surface, typically accompanied by radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum. Solar bursts are more general and can describe various outbursts of solar energy, including solar flares as well as other phenomena like coronal mass ejections.

What solar phenomena causes magnetic storm?

Solar flares

Can you die from a solar tsunami?

No, a solar tsunami is a large-scale magnetic disturbance on the sun's surface that can trigger solar flares. While these phenomena can impact satellites and communication systems on Earth, they do not pose a direct threat to human life.

Why evaporation is the surface phenomena where as boiling is a bulk phenomena?

impossible hai re

What part of the sun is responsible for sunspots solar flares and corona mass projections?

The part of the sun responsible for sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections is the Sun's outermost layer called the corona. This region has intense magnetic fields that can lead to these dynamic and energetic solar phenomena.

What is the major source of energy for the phenomena on the earth's surface that influence weather and climate?

The major source of energy for Earth's weather and climate phenomena is the Sun. Solar radiation warms the Earth's surface, leading to the circulation of air, the formation of weather systems, and the regulation of the climate through processes like evaporation, condensation, and convection.

Bright red layer of sun surface containing hydrogen gas?

The bright red layer on the surface of the sun is known as the chromosphere. It is composed mainly of hydrogen gas and emits light at various wavelengths, giving it a reddish hue. The chromosphere is located above the sun's visible surface, the photosphere, and is significant in solar dynamics and phenomena.

What is the most observable phenomena in the solar cycle?

The most observable phenomena in the solar cycle is the variation in the number of sunspots. Sunspots are dark areas on the Sun's surface that represent intense magnetic activity and are closely related to the overall activity level of the Sun. The number of sunspots follows an 11-year cycle, where the Sun goes from a solar minimum with fewer sunspots to a solar maximum with increased sunspot activity and then back to a minimum.

Does gamma ray photon include prominences and solar flares?

No, gamma ray photons do not include prominences and solar flares. Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by some astronomical bodies, while solar flares and prominences are phenomena associated with the activity on the Sun's surface.

What solar phenomena can disrupt radio and electrical systems on the earth?


What is pertaining to the sun?

"Pertaining to the sun" would refer to things related to the characteristics, phenomena, or study of the sun, such as solar flares, solar energy, or solar eclipses.