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Q: What is the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere?
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The highest percentage in the atmosphere is of?

The highest percentage in the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen, at 78%. Then oxygen(21%) and CO2, 0.9%.

What percentage of the atmosphere do nitrogen and oxygen together make up?

Nitrogen and oxygen together make up approximately 99% of Earth's atmosphere, with nitrogen accounting for about 78% and oxygen around 21%.

What components make up the greatest percentage of the atmosphere?

nitrogen and oxygen

What two components make up the percentage of the atmosphere?

nitrogen and oxygen

Which two gases make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere?

Nitrogen and oxygen make up the largest percentage of the atmosphere.

What two components make up the greatest percentage of the earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen and oxygen make up about 99% of the Earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen accounts for about 78% and oxygen for about 21%.

What planet has a nitrogen- oxygen atmosphere?

Earths atmosphere is rich in Oxygen, some 21% of the air is Oxygen. There is oxygen on other planets, but the percentage comes nowhere close to this. The percentage of Oxygen in earths atmosphere is thought to have been much higher in the past, before animals were about, but after the arrival of plants.

What are the two main atmosphereic gases and what is the approximate percentage of each one in the atmosphere?

The two main atmospheric gases are nitrogen and oxygen. The approximate percentage for nitrogen is 78% and oxygen's approximate percentage is 21%.

What are the two main atmospheric gases and what is the approximate percentage of each one in the atmosphere?

The two main atmospheric gases are nitrogen and oxygen. The approximate percentage for nitrogen is 78% and oxygen's approximate percentage is 21%.

The atmosphere is composed of?

Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon Dioxide And The rest of the percentage is other gases

What are the percentage of gases found in the atmosphere?

75% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 3% other gases.

What gas makes up 80 of the earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen. Nitrogen makes up roughly 78% of Earth's air. The other constituents include : * 20.95% oxygen * 0.93% argon * 0.038% carbon dioxideand traces of other gases, and transported water vapor in varying amounts.