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It is the orbit. For example, the Earth is in orbit round the Sun.

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Q: What is the path of a celestial body in its revolution around other?
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How does the orbit of a celestial body differ from its revolution around another object?

The orbit of a celestial body refers to its path around another object, like a planet around a star. Revolution, on the other hand, specifically describes the motion of the celestial body as it completes a full circle around the object it is orbiting. In simpler terms, orbit is the overall path, while revolution is the complete journey around another object.

In a space term what does revolution mean in space?

In astronomy, revolution refers to the motion of a celestial body around another body in an orbit. For example, the Earth's revolution around the Sun is responsible for the changing seasons.

Does sun revolve around any celestial body?

No sun doesn't revolve to any celestial body, but the celestial body revolve around the sun.

How does the concept of revolution versus orbit impact our understanding of celestial bodies in space?

The concept of revolution versus orbit affects our understanding of celestial bodies in space by explaining how they move around other objects. Revolution refers to a celestial body moving around another object, like a planet around a star. Orbit specifically refers to the path a celestial body takes as it revolves around another object. Understanding these concepts helps us comprehend the movements and interactions of celestial bodies in space.

What is a small celestial body that orbits another celestial body other than the sun?


How does the orbit of a celestial body differ from its rotation?

The orbit of a celestial body refers to its path around another object, like a planet around a star. Rotation, on the other hand, is the spinning of the celestial body around its own axis. In simple terms, orbit is like the celestial body moving in a circle around something else, while rotation is like the celestial body spinning around like a top.

Is mars in an orbit with another body?

Yes, Mars is in orbit around the Sun, just like Earth and all other planets in our solar system. It does not share its orbit with any other large celestial body.

Facts about rotation and revolution?

Rotation refers to the spinning of an object around its own axis, like the Earth rotating on its axis every 24 hours. Revolution refers to an object moving around another object along a specific path, like the Earth revolving around the Sun in a year. Both rotation and revolution are important astronomical phenomena that govern the movement of celestial bodies in space.

A natural or artificial body that revolves around a celestial body of greater mass is called a?

Its a satellite

A natural or artificial body that revolves around a celestial body is greater in mass is called what?

A Moon

Why does the Sun keep all of the planets orbiting?

As the sun is the biggest celestial body in our solar system, so it has the most gravitational pull and therefore the planets n other celestial bodies revolve around the sun.

How does the rotation of a celestial body differ from its orbit around another object?

The rotation of a celestial body refers to its spinning on its axis, like how Earth rotates every 24 hours causing day and night. On the other hand, the orbit of a celestial body around another object, like Earth orbiting the Sun, involves the celestial body moving in a curved path around the other object due to gravitational forces. Rotation is like spinning in place, while orbit is like moving in a circle around something else.