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One of the stars in the sky that makes up the constellation Leo is named Regulus. The name of one other star that is in this constellation is 83 Leo A.

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Q: What is the name of a star in the sky that makes the constellation Leo?
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What constellation would you find the star named regulus?

The star named Regulus can be found in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the constellation and is located at the base of the "sickle" asterism that represents the lion's head.

What is The brightest star of Leo minor's constellation?

The brightest star in the constellation Leo Minor is 46 Leonis Minoris, with an apparent magnitude of about 3.8.

What constellation is the Regulus star in?

Regulus is located in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

In what constellation would you find the star named regulus?

Regulus can be found in the constellation Leo. It is the brightest star in the constellation and is located at its "heart."

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Where is the leonids radient located?

In the constellation Leo (Lion) - hence the name.

What is the second brightest star in the constellation Leo?

Beta Leonis, also known as Denebola, is the second brightest star in the constellation Leo. It is located about 36 light years away from Earth and is a white main sequence star.

What type of star is Leo?

Leo is not a single star, but rather a constellation in the sky. It is named after the Latin word for lion. Within the constellation of Leo, there are many different types of stars, including main sequence stars, giant stars, and binary star systems.

Where is the star Leo located and when is it located?

Leo is a constellation not a star . Although Leo is the name of a constellation, several of the stars in the constellation share the name. The star "Regulus" is also known as "Cor Leo". All of the brightest stars in Leo are designated "Leo" with a Greek letter prefixing "Leo" to indicate they are in that constellation. The constellation itself is found between Cancer and Virgo. Astronomically, the sun passes into the 30 degree portion of the sky marked by the constellation Leo from about mid August to mid September. Astrological systems assign the specific days a bit differently depending on the year and the particular astrological system. . Because the sun is in Leo in August to September, the best time to see Leo at night is from November to May. Leo is dominant in the night sky at the opposite time of the year from when the sun transits the constellation; that is, from February to March. . The Leonid meteor storm appears as if radiating from the constellation Leo, and is usually seen best in November.

In what constallation would you find the star named Regulas?

You would find the star Regulus in the constellation Leo. Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and is located at its "heart."

What star is closest to Leo?

The star closest to the constellation Leo is Regulus. It is the brightest star in Leo and the 21st brightest star in the sky. Regulus is located approximately 77.5 light-years away from Earth.

How old is Leo the star?

Leo is a constellation made up of many stars.