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while the earth is orbiting the sun the moon is orbiting the earth

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Q: What is the moon doing while earth is orbiting the sun?
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What does earth do in space?

it rotates while the moon is orbiting the earth

Is the moon in the earths atmosphere?

No, the Moon is not in Earth's atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere extends about 480 kilometers above the surface, while the Moon is about 384,400 kilometers away from Earth. The Moon is in space, orbiting around the Earth.

Does the moon rotate around the earth while the earth is orbiting around the sun?

Yep, you got it.

How may moons are orbiting the planet earth?

One moon is orbiting Earth and that is called The Moon.

ARE there moon orbiting your moon?

No, there are no known moons orbiting our Moon. The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. While some artificial satellites have been placed in orbit around the Moon by various space agencies, there are no natural moons orbiting our Moon.

What is in orbit with the Earth?

The moon. The earth is in orbit around the sun, but the moon goes with it, orbiting the earth directly and orbiting the sun indirectly.

Is there any moon on earth?

There is no moon on Earth, but there is one orbiting it; we call it the moon.

Is the moon on top of the sun?

No, it is orbiting our Earth, which is orbiting our Sun.

What force is responsible for the moon orbiting earth and earth orbiting the sun?

The force of gravity.

What is Name of the largest satellite orbiting earth?

The largest satellite orbiting the Earth is the Moon.

Do the earth and the moon orbit the sun since the moon orbits the earth and the earth the sun?

Yes, while the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon carries on orbiting the Earth, as it is not as affected by the distant gravity of the Sun as it is by the nearer gravity of Earth.

Where have human been in the solar system outside of earth?

-- orbiting the Earth -- coasting on a trajectory between the Earth and the Moon -- orbiting the Moon -- the surface of the Moon That's IT ... the complete list.