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The moon would be called a waxing gibbous when it is just larger than a half.

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6mo ago

The moon is called a waxing gibbous when it is just over a half, with more than half but less than fully illuminated.

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Do you get day and night on the moon?

Yes. Wherever you stand on the moon, the sun is up in your sky for half of the time, and down during the other half, just like on earth. Each half lasts a little over 2 earth weeks. (14.77 days)

Which planet has a moon bigger than itself?

Formerly than answer was Pluto, whose moon Charon is just over half its diameter. Now that Pluto is technically not a planet, than answer is Earth, whose moon is just over a quarter its diameter.

How much of the moon is never visible?

A little less than half. The moon "wobbles" slightly, meaning that we see a bit over half of its surface over the course of time.

What phase is the moon in if over half of it is lit?

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How much of the moon do you see from earth at any time?

This depends on where the moon is in its orbit and its position in relation to the sun and the observer and the time of the observation.Theoretically you can see just over half of the moons surface over a period of time due to libration.

What do you call the moon when over half is visible?

Depending on the cycle, it is a waxing or waning gibbous moon if it is more than half visible. If it's completely visible, it's a full moon.

How many hours from PM and PM?

A minimum of just over 12 to a maximum of just under 36.

Will the next blue moon happen over the US?

Blue Moons aren't like solar eclipses - they don't just happen to a certain part of the Earth. A blue moon is just the name for the event where a full moon happens twice in the same month; The second full moon in that month is called a "blue moon". You can see the moon from anywhere on the Earth in a 24 hour period, so yes, the next blue moon will happen "over" the US.

What is the definition of a quarter moon?

A quarter moon occurs when the moon is halfway between a new moon and a full moon, appearing as a half-circle in the sky. This phase is also known as a half moon and occurs when the sun's light illuminates half of the moon's surface visible from Earth. It marks the first or last quarter of the moon's cycle.

What is a waxing gibbous?

when over half the moon has light this is also the last waxing phase.

Where can someone purchase a half moon pendant?

You can find and purchase a half moon pendant from the website- Amazon. The pendants that are retailed range from around three pounds to over one hundred pounds.

How many moons can fit across the earth?

The earth's diameter is 3.66 times that of the moon so just over three-and-a-half moons would fit across the earth,