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Io is a moon of Jupiter, not a planet. Surface gravity is about 18% of the gravity on Earth.

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6d ago

The gravity on the surface of Io, one of Jupiter's moons, is about 1/6th that of Earth's gravity. This means that objects on Io would weigh much less compared to on Earth.

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What is Io's gravity compared to the earth's gravity?

Io's surface gravity is about 0.18 g, where Earth's gravity is 1.0 g.

What is planet Io?

Io is not a planet. It is one of the larger natural satellites (or moons) of the planet Jupiter.

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Jupiter is the planet that has a moon named Io. Io is one of the Galilean moons and is known for its intense volcanic activity.

Is IO a planet?

No. Io is a moon as it orbits the planet Jupiter rather than the sun.

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Yes, Io, one of Jupiter's moons, does have gravity. It has a weaker gravitational pull compared to Earth due to its smaller size, but it is enough to keep objects on its surface.

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