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Gravitational Pull.

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The force that tries to pull the rocket back to Earth is gravity. This force is responsible for the rocket's weight and acts in the direction toward the center of the Earth.

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The gravitational pull.

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Q: What is the force that tries to pull the rocket back to earth?
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Why can a rocket fly into space?

A rocket can fly into space because it generates thrust by burning fuel, which creates a force that propels the rocket upward. As the rocket gains altitude, it moves through progressively thinner atmosphere, eventually reaching a point where there is no longer enough air resistance to counteract the force of the engines, allowing it to continue into space.

A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit .Name the 2 forces action on the rocket after leaving the launching pad?

The two main forces acting on the rocket after leaving the launching pad are thrust (produced by the rocket's engines) propelling it upwards, and gravity pulling it back towards the Earth.

Why do rockets go up?

Rockets go up because of Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By expelling gas in one direction, the rocket experiences a force in the opposite direction, propelling it upward. This, combined with the force of gravity, allows the rocket to overcome Earth's gravitational pull and reach space.

What would happen if the thrust of the rocket at take-off was not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the earth?

If the thrust of the rocket at take-off is not enough to put the rocket in orbit around the Earth, it will not be able to overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth and achieve the necessary velocity to stay in orbit. The rocket would likely fall back to Earth due to gravity.

How does the rocket land on the earth?

A rocket typically lands back on Earth by either descending back through the atmosphere and deploying parachutes for a soft landing, or by performing a controlled landing using thrusters to slow down and land vertically, like SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets do. The landing method depends on the design of the rocket and its intended purpose.

Related questions

What causes a rocket to drop back to earth?

A rocket drops back to Earth due to the force of gravity pulling it down. Once the rocket's engines stop providing thrust, the gravity of Earth becomes the dominant force, causing the rocket to descend.

What force pulls downwards on a rocket as it is launched into space?

Gravity is the force that pulls downwards on a rocket as it is launched into space. Gravity acts to pull the rocket back towards the Earth's surface.

Why does the rocket have to go sideways?

The rocket needs to go sideways to reach orbit. By moving sideways fast enough, the rocket can overcome the force of gravity pulling it back towards Earth. This sideways velocity allows the rocket to enter a stable orbit around Earth.

Why does a firework rocket fall back to earth?

After a firework rocket is launched, it reaches a certain height where the fuel is expended and the upward thrust stops. At this point, gravity takes over and begins to pull the rocket back down to Earth. Additionally, air resistance and drag force also play a role in slowing down the rocket's upward motion and causing it to fall back.

What is the main factor in determining the amount of thrust a rocket requires to leave the Earth's atmosphere?

Payload weight.

How will humans get to the moon and back to earth?

Via rocket.

When rocket lands what force does it have?

When a rocket lands, it exerts a downward force equal to its weight on the ground. This force helps to keep the rocket stationary and prevent it from bouncing back up. Additionally, the rocket may also experience a thrust force in the opposite direction if its engines are still running to slow down its descent.

What is a reuseable vehicle that goes into orbit like a rocket and then glides back to earth like an airplane?


How is 'thrust' possible in outer space?

Its called Newton's Third Law. "When object A exerts a force on object B , then object B will exert an equal but opposite force back on A". When a rocket spews out hot gasses it's effectively exerting a force on the gasses. So the gasses exert the same force back on the rocket. The gasses accelerate one way and the rocket accelerates the other way. When Goddard first started experimenting with rockets some newspapers laughed at him because they thought the rocket would not be able to keep going once it got too far from the earth. But Goddard undestood Neton's Third law and knew the earth didn't have to be there for it to work.

Which requires more fuel a rocket goin to the moon or a rocket comin from the moon?

Due to the higher gravity amount, a rocket will be pulled back when leaving earth, and pulled forward when going to earth.

Why can a rocket fly into space?

A rocket can fly into space because it generates thrust by burning fuel, which creates a force that propels the rocket upward. As the rocket gains altitude, it moves through progressively thinner atmosphere, eventually reaching a point where there is no longer enough air resistance to counteract the force of the engines, allowing it to continue into space.

A rocket has been fired upwards to launch a satellite in its orbit .Name the 2 forces action on the rocket after leaving the launching pad?

The two main forces acting on the rocket after leaving the launching pad are thrust (produced by the rocket's engines) propelling it upwards, and gravity pulling it back towards the Earth.