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The moon's gravitational force is what causes the ocean tides to change. How Stuff Works has a great diagram and explanation of how this happens.

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Q: What is the force that is responsible for tides?
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What is the Moon's gravitational force responsible for?


What is the main natural force?

The main natural force is gravity. It is responsible for keeping planets and stars in orbit, as well as creating tides on Earth.

What force causes the most obvious effect on the earth's tides?

The gravitational force exerted by the moon is the primary force responsible for creating the tides on Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon creates a bulge of water on the side of the Earth facing the moon, as well as on the opposite side, leading to high and low tides.

Does the moon produce gravitational force on the earth?

Yes, the moon does produce gravitational force on Earth. This force causes the ocean tides and affects the Earth's rotation.

What is the definition of tidal bulge?

The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon cause the tidal bulges.

What force of nature pulls in earths water?

Gravity is the force of nature that pulls in Earth's water, keeping it on the surface of the planet. This gravitational force is responsible for the tides and the shape of the ocean basins.

The moon is chiefly responsible for the tides with the suns influence modifying the tidal range?

Yes, the moon's gravitational pull is the primary force responsible for creating tides on Earth. The sun also contributes to the tides through its gravitational pull, with its influence causing variations in the tidal range.

What type of force is cause of tides?

ebb tides

Who causes the tides?

The tides are caused by the moon's gravitational force.

What force causes tides to occur on Earth's surface?

The force responsible for causing tides on Earth's surface is primarily the gravitational pull of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun. The gravitational attraction between the Earth and these celestial bodies causes the water on Earth to bulge, creating high and low tides as the Earth rotates.

Which celestial bodies are responsible for the tides?

You're fishing for "Earth and Moon", but your outlook on the whole matter seriouslyneeds broadening.-- In the case of tides on the Earth, the Sun has almost as much influence on themas the Moon has.-- In principle, every two celestial bodies are responsible for raising tides on each other,as the result of the mutual forces of gravitational attraction between them.

What is the main body that effects tides?

Gravity is the force that creates and affects the tides.