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It gradually cools down and becomes ever dimmer.

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A brown dwarf will cool and fade over time, eventually becoming a cold, dark object known as a black dwarf. It will cease nuclear fusion in its core and no longer emit light or heat. This process will take billions of years to complete.

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Q: What is the eventual fate of a brown dwarf?
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The fate of an isolated brown dwarf depends on its mass. If the brown dwarf is below a certain threshold (about 13 times the mass of Jupiter), it will cool and fade over time, eventually becoming a cold, dark object called a "rogue planet." If the brown dwarf is more massive, it may undergo fusion reactions and become a star, though this is rare for isolated brown dwarfs.

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How long will it take for a brown dwarf to become a black dwarf?

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What does a white dwarf become when it gets colder?

A brown/black dwarf.

Is a brown dwarf star on its way to becoming a black dwarf?

No. A brown dwarf is a star that has too low a mass to start nuclear fusion. A black dwarf is a former white dwarf, the remnant of a low to medium mass star that ran out of fuel in its core.

Are brown dwarf stars young or old?

They can be any age. A brown dwarf is a failed star, one that is not massive enough to start nuclear fusion. A brown dwarf may have formed recently, or could be almost as old as the universe itself.

What can you assume about the gravitational pull of the brown dwarf system?

The gravitational pull of a brown dwarf system would be weaker than that of a star system but stronger than that of a planet. It is sufficient to keep the system objects in orbit around the brown dwarf.

What is a small brown star called?

That's called a brown dwarf.